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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 536

"Well, you know me best. I have selfish motives, but I can't help it. Every time I see you, I just want to be close to you. I remember every word you say. I've counted your eyelashes, felt your breath up close, and imagined countless times of making you mine.

“Bonnie, do you know how much I suppress myself? I can't help it. I'm afraid of hurting you, being too hasty, and making you unhappy. Sometimes, I feel like you're the bright star I look up to, something to admire from afar.

“But I don't want to accept it. So, give me a ladder, and I'll pluck you from the sky. I will cradle you in my arms and protect you with all my heart."

The man's voice was filled with deep affection, and his eyes were as deep as the sea. Besides her, there was no room for anyone else.

Bonnie had a soft heart and felt the man's sincerity. ‘How could I not be moved?’

"But you shouldn't have done that to me in front of so many people."

"You're right. I did go too far! I deserve to be hit!"

Ivor took Bonnie's hand and slapped himself in the face as he spoke. It made an audible sound.

"Y-You're insane!"

Afraid that Ivor would use her hand to hit himself again, Bonnie quickly pulled her hand back.

Sensing the girl's subtle movement, Ivor's smile widened.

"Yes, I'm insane! I'm addicted to you. What can I do? Bonnie, since you’re a medical expert, can you heal me? I feel like I'm beyond cure."

Bonnie considered herself capable of always remaining calm, but she could not withstand the man's sweet talk.

"You have lovesickness. I can't cure this."

"No! You can! Only you can cure my illness." Ivor held Bonnie's hands tightly and looked deeply into her eyes. "Bonnie, are you willing to cure me?"


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