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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 546

The gang of thugs burst into laughter upon hearing this. "Did you hear that? She said she knows Jim."

"Hilarious! Little beauty, let me tell you, Jim is my brother. You won't be able to call him, but I can. Hahaha—"

Seeing that they didn't believe her at all, Elsa became even more anxious.

At this moment, the leader suddenly grabbed her clothes.

"No, don't!" Elsa was about to resist when she saw Bonnie swiftly kick the man's leg.


That was the sound of the leg bone breaking.

The leader immediately fell to his knees and winced in pain.

Watching Bonnie handle the situation so effortlessly while the thugs groaned in agony, Elsa's worldview was suddenly overturned.

"So powerful!"

Elsa suddenly remembered what Bonnie had said earlier. She mentioned being colleagues with Jim. Could it be that she was also involved in protecting Ms. Bonita? Otherwise, how could she have such impressive skills?

"You little bitch!" The leader glared at Bonnie viciously, then pulled out a dagger.

The others also drew their weapons upon seeing this.

Elsa's fear skyrocketed.

Bonnie turned to Elsa. "Go, quickly."

"But what about you?"

"Don't worry about me. Although they have weapons, they can't deal with me right away. You go first. Find Jim," Bonnie instructed as she took the initiative to attack.


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