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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 558

“Well, I—” Sienna did not expect Bonnie to investigate her so thoroughly.

The latter asked, “Do you think Ms. Bonnie would choose you if she hears about the heinous things you’ve done?”

“I-It’s not what it seems! That minor celebrity you mentioned sought me out several times. She was a hypocrite who turned everyone against me because she thought I wouldn’t retaliate. Also, that guy you brought up said nasty things to me. Was I wrong to teach him a lesson?”

‘Although Sienna might be telling the truth, the punishments she gave them don’t fit the crime. I didn’t agree to her challenge on a whim. Instead, I’m trying to help her for Leo and his brothers’ sake. That is if she can still be helped.’

Bonnie said, “I don’t care whether or not you admit your wrongdoing. I only care if you agree to my terms.”

“Fine, I agree!” Sienna said through gritted teeth, “What’ll you do if you lose?”

“I won’t.” That was how confident Bonnie was.

‘Ugh, I hate it when Bonnie’s this confident. That’s how she looked when I had a match against her in the shooting range.’

After some thought, Sienna said, “If you lose, you must drop your terms.”

“Sure thing.” She responded casually.

“I have one more term.”

“Let me hear it.”

“We’ll do it the other way around this time. If I win, you have to listen to my every order.”

The still-carefree Bonnie said, “Whatever floats your boat.”

“Hmph! Keep acting tough. You’ll regret it someday!” Immediately after, she heard a flurry of footsteps outside the door.

“Quick, someone has broken into Ms. Bonita’s room!”


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