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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 574

Ultimately, Bonnie and Sienna slashed their way through the masked assailants and made their way to Ivor.

“Ivor,” Bonnie uttered worriedly.

He looked so frail that she felt a lump in her throat. Her eyes reddened as she lifted him to rest on her lap. Then, she grabbed his cold fingers and called out to him repeatedly, “Ivor? Ivor, come on, wake up. Look at me, please.”

Remorse, guilt, and sorrow filled her heart. She began to tear up as these emotions overwhelmed her.

Meanwhile, Sienna stood nearby, defending them from the remaining assailants. She even formed a perimeter and kept them safe in the middle.

Bonnie fought back her tears and treated Ivor’s wound as best she could while calling out to him, “Ivor, I’m here. Hurry up and open your eyes. You must look at me, or I’ll give you the silent treatment for the rest of your life.”

Her voice began to choke up, and tears rolled down her cheek. “Wake up, Ivor. You have to wake up. I’m begging you, Ivor. Look at me, please!”

That was the second time she had ever felt this helpless. The first time she felt this way was when her parents fell severely ill. Bonnie was too young back then and had no way of helping them. They would have died if Ivor’s grandfather did not show up.

As boundless darkness consumed Bonnie, Ivor’s eyes fluttered slightly. Then, he slowly opened them and saw her worried eyes. He revealed a pale and weak smile, saying, “B-Bonnie? Cough, cough! I-I’m so happy to…see you so worried about me.”

Bonnie sighed in relief when she saw Ivor regaining consciousness. He still had his wits about him, too. She leaned over and ripped out a part of her clothes to wrap it around his bullet wound, which was still oozing blood.


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