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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 577

Bonnie wasn’t doing so well, but she could only think about Ivor. Her voice carried a somberness that she had never heard before.

“I’m fine, but Ivor sustained a bad wound trying to protect me.”

Jim was stunned, but he knew how much Ivor cared about her.

“Where is he now? Our cars are right outside. We can send him to the hospital now.”

“We were in a dire situation. So, I asked Sienna to take him to safety first.” She stood upright slowly and pointed at the corner. “They went that way. Let’s look for them.”

He looked at her pale face and couldn’t help but try to persuade her, “You’re not doing so well, Bonnie. You should just stay put. I’ll bring some men with me and look for them. You have my word that I’ll bring Ivor back to you in one piece.”

“No!” She said sternly, “I won’t rest until I’ve seen that he’s safe with my own eyes.”

Bonnie headed over to the corner hastily. Her body language was enough to show she was worried sick.

He sighed and took off after her. They had just arrived at the intersection when they saw a figure running toward them.

The surroundings were too dark, so they couldn’t tell who it was. Jim took a swift step forward and stood before Bonnie. Even his men were standing by solemnly for a potential threat. However, Bonnie had excellent vision.

It might’ve been dark, but she could see who the figure was. “That’s Sienna.”

Shoving Jim aside, she ran over to Sienna. Once she was close enough, she realized that the latter was covered in blood and panting heavily.


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