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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 599

As the big shots kept coming, netizens were shocked to numbness.

"A-Are these big shots real or fake? I'm completely mystified."

"They all have certified badges, how could they be fake? I'm so glad I woke up early to check Twitter today, or I wouldn't have seen such a spectacle."

"Yes, all thanks to the lucky person marrying the Knight Group’s president.”

"I'm curious! What does the person marrying President Knight look like?”

"As a woman, tears of envy stream down my face."

The comment section kept refreshing, all in awe of the appearance of these big shots. However, the following comment that appeared shocked netizens even more.

Master Arturo commented, “Old folks don't talk much. I'll just say congratulations to express my feelings.”

The netizens were even more enthralled when Master Arturo himself appeared to bestow his blessings in addition to the prior big shots.

"Oh my god, even Master Arturo, who rarely posts on Twitter, has come. We have to thank Mr. Knight's announcement, or we wouldn't have seen so many big shots gathered here."

"Who would've thought? I'm so shocked I can't even speak.”

"My mouth is gaping. My mom thought there was something wrong with my mouth and wanted to take me to the hospital. Who can understand my pain and shock?"

Finally, another official account appeared.

It was the research institute of Ms. Bonita. “Our entire team wishes the two of you a long and happy life together, never to be apart.”

The appearance of so many big shots had already shocked netizens. Now, the blessing from Ms. Bonita’s research institute caused an even greater stir.


The readers' comments on the novel: I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight)