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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 60

Chapter 60 

Impressive, Bonnie. Given the circumstances, I can’t believe you’re still acting cool.” 

If you’re just here to talk trash, I’m not interested. Out with it.Bonnie sounded annoyed

Don’t you know what’s going on? Your life is in my hands. How dare you talk to me in that tone

You’re still talking trash,Bonnie said absently

Why, you little!Sacha was furious, but she remembered why she was here and suppressed her anger. I’m warning you, Bonnie. Stay away from Dwayne!” 

So that was why she was here

Are you sure you have your facts right? Dwayne was the one who tried to come on to me shamelessly. He might be from a wealthy family and likes to dress fancy, but he’s just a useless bastard. I’m really grossed out by him. I know he’s slept with lots of women. Don’t worry. I’ll never try to take him away from you.” 

How dare you say he’s gross!” 

Aren’t I telling the truth? I refuse to believe that you don’t know what kind of guy he is. You can fill an entire cruise ship with the women he’s slept with

I’m a little confused. You’re a decent student and you come from a decent family. Why do want 

you someone like him? Don’t you feel grossed out when you’re with him?” 

Sacha wished she could cut Bonnie’s tongue out right there and then. I know why you said those nasty things. You’re trying to say that the man I desperately want is trash to you. You’re just trying to humiliate me before marrying Dwayne yourself!” 

Bonnie shook her head and said, You’re so stupid. You’re beyond help.” 

Did you just call me stupid?” 

Am I wrong? You have a good life ahead of you, but you’re squandering it for the sake of that pig.” 

Damn! You! One last time, Bonnie. Are you going to keep pestering Dwayne? Are you going to take away my rightful place as his future wife?” 

Tsk.Bonnie didn’t want to waste any more time with this idiot, so she turned and left

Hold it!” 

Bonnie kept walking

Sacha lost it as Bonnie continued to ignore her

Hey! Stop her, all of you! If she refuses to cooperate, beat her up! There’s no security cameras here, so you have nothing to worry about.” 

Chapter 60 


The men she hired surrounded Bonnie at once

We don’t really want to do this, pretty lady, but we need the money. Sorry!” 


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