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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 606

Harold fantasized about meeting Kieran. He ran various lines in his head, trying to find the best way to butter her up without offending her.

He was still racking his brain when Trina said, “Master Kieran is more prestigious than Master Orson. Connecting with her will erase the humiliation we suffered from Bonnie and Master Orson.”

Yolanda agreed wholeheartedly, “You’re right. If we can kiss up to Master Kiera, we can flaunt it to them and restore our pride. Although Master Orson is a fantastic artist with plenty of fans, he is a poor judge of character for choosing to take Bonnie’s side.

“We have no reason to entertain him anymore. Once we’ve connected with Master Kieran, we’ll brag about it to Master Orson to humiliate him.”

“That’s the spirit, you two. You better bring your A-game. Whatever you do, don’t drop the ball,” Harold said as he watched Bailey. The former would not miss the chance to butter Kieran up.

“Understood, Grandpa,” Trina responded.

Yolanda echoed, “Don’t worry about it. Since it concerns our family, I won’t be able to forgive myself if I drop the ball.”

Harold nodded, pleased with their responses. “Nicely said.”

Afterward, the trio stared at the private rooms in the hallway, fervently guessing Kieran’s room and wondering when she would leave. However, they were not the only ones eager to meet her. Orson was also waiting for Kieran. He even reached the restaurant several hours earlier than the designated meeting time.

Although he was an older man, he behaved more like a youngster. He stood before the mirror in the private room and adjusted his tie before touching up his appearance. He feared he was underdressed for the occasion. The last thing he wanted was for Kieran to think less of him.


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