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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 620

Ivor had just sat on the couch and was about to work with his laptop when his phone on the table started buzzing.

Picking it up, he realized it was a text from Eloise Gallagher, someone he hadn’t seen in a long time.

“I’m back in Arvandor, Ivor. It’s been such a long time since we last saw each other. Are you free to catch up on old times?”

Reading this text took him back. He started reminiscing about Eloise.

‘We used to hang out a lot when we were young. I haven’t contacted her as much since I returned after studying overseas. Now that I think about it, it has been seven or eight years since I last saw her.

‘If she had contacted me when I was single, I might’ve agreed to meet up with her out of respect for our old friendship. However, I’m with Bonnie now. If she sees me hanging out with Eloise alone, she might have the wrong ideas about us.

‘It’s not like I’m interested in Eloise in that way, but I have to start thinking like a married man now. I can’t afford to do any wrong by Bonnie.’

At the thought of that, he composed his reply.

“This is a bad time. I’m busy.”

He had just finished composing the text, but Eloise had sent another text to him.

“When we studied overseas, you left so quickly that you forgot to take some of your belongings. They’re pretty important to you because you used to care about them very much.

“That’s why I kept them safe for you. Now that I’m back in Arvandor, I thought bringing them to you was a good idea to you.”

At the next moment, she sent him a picture.

It was a trophy from when he won a competition overseas. There were also some medals from his time at the basketball club and a black notebook.

All of these were souvenirs of the friends he made while he was overseas.

‘I don’t intend to meet with you initially, but she’s returned these stuff to me. I guess I should take them back. After all, my friends and I fought hard to win these medals. They have a lot of sentimental value to me.’

So, he deleted his previously composed text and wrote a new one.

“Sure. Where are you? Send me a location.”


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