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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 635

A maid knocked on the door cautiously upstairs.

"Ms. Eloise."

Eloise's voice came from inside, "Come in."

With much excitement, the maid opened the door and said, "Ms. Eloise, I have a huge piece of good news for you."

"What news?" Eloise asked casually before lowering her head and watching the online public opinion.

She felt that whatever news the maid had was not as important as teaching that despicable Bonnie a lesson, so she didn't pay too much attention.

The servant quickly said, "M-Mr. Ivor is here."

"Ivor is here?!"

Eloise was stunned for a moment. She rushed over, grabbed the maid’s shoulder, and asked, "Are you sure? Ivor is downstairs?"

The maid came to tell Eloise when she saw Ivor approaching because she knew Eloise liked him, "Absolutely. Your parents are currently downstairs entertaining Mr. Ivor. Ms. Eloise, you should hurry down to take a look."

Eloise smiled. She thought Ivor must have felt that what happened last time was too much. So, he came to her house to apologize and gain her forgiveness!

The more Eloise thought about it, the wider her smile became.

She walked to the closet and took out some clothes, trying them on in front of the mirror.

As she tried on the clothes, she didn't forget to ask the maid behind her, "How do I look in this outfit? Is it nice?"

The maid immediately flattered, "Miss, you are beautiful no matter what you wear."

"Forget it. This one doesn't highlight my figure well. I won't wear this."

Eloise rummaged through the closet and quickly found a white lace camisole and a tight-fitting skirt.


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