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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 649

Bonnie crossed her arms and glanced at Ivor with her peripheral vision.

"I don't want to deal with this kind of nonsense. You handle it."

"Alright." Ivor indulgently agreed.

He looked at Wallace, his eyes sharpening again. "I can forgive you this time because your father cooperated with me. But if there's a next time, I'll let you experience being blind."

Wallace nodded repeatedly, afraid that if he hesitated, Ivor would come after him.

"I-I understand, Mr. Ivor. I-I promise, there won't be a next time. T-Thank you for not holding it against me."

Ivor stared coldly at him for several moments. "Get lost."

"Yes, Mr. Ivor, we'll leave immediately!" Wallace quickly waved to his lackeys, disappearing from Ivor and Bonnie's sight at the fastest speed possible.

Ivor just merely glanced at them before averting his eyes. He then grabbed Bonnie's hand and headed toward the hot spring retreat.

"Honey, are you tired? Let's go relax in the hot spring."

"Okay." Bonnie stretched lazily. "Sitting in the car all morning, I feel a bit stiff. Soaking in the hot spring should help."

"Yeah, I've already arranged it. Let's go straight in." Ivor led Bonnie through the long corridor to the innermost hot spring room.

Bonnie was stunned by the scene before her when the door was pushed open.

"When did you prepare all this?"

Fragrant, luscious flowers encircled the hot spring room in front of her, and the pool water gave off a light mist that gave the impression of being in a dreamlike fairyland.


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