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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 670

“You’re right. We don’t have to make wild guesses. We’ll know if Ms. Bonnie has read every word when she talks about it soon.”

“Yeah, we should wait for her to finish reading first.”

Then, Bonnie closed the document and said, “I’ve gone through the exhibition’s content and planning. It’s solid work, except for the exhibits themselves. We’ll have to work on those.”

The professor from earlier asked, “What’s the issue with the exhibits, Ms. Bonnie? I’ve done it how we’ve always done it. I don’t recall making any changes.”

“Don’t worry too much, and hear me out.” Bonnie smiled leisurely. “You said you followed the old ways without making changes, correct? Well, that’s where the problem lies. There are 225 exhibits.

“Most of the exhibits comprise the university’s collection, no less. That means the students have seen them before and will have difficulty finding them attractive. Indeed, you’ve made a satisfactory arrangement for the exhibition this time. I praise you for that.

“Still, I promised Russell I’d elevate the university’s standing to another level. It’s the first exhibition since I took over his position, meaning I’ll have to break the norm and show the students a whole new experience.

“I’d like to hear some ideas, so let’s brainstorm and bring our thoughts together to organize an exhibition that’ll turn heads.”

The professors exchanged glances with the top management staff and began conversing softly. Soon after, a professor presented his idea, “I have some pretty cool proposals, Ms. Bonnie. Would you care to hear me out?”

She looked at him and gestured for him to continue. “Go on.”


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