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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 703

Bonnie nodded and said softly, “I’m fine.”

Niko and the middle-aged couple became even more agitated when they saw the trio protecting Bonnie. They pointed at her and said even harsher things.

Avril grew furious when she heard them. “I’m warning you! Keep it civilized, or I’ll rip your tongues out!”

The middle-aged woman was the loudest among the trio. She wailed at the top of her lungs, “Hah, did you hear that, everyone?! Not only is that homewrecker cocky, but she’s working with her friends to intimidate us and shut us up. They won’t tell us the truth. The law means nothing to these people!”

After hearing her words, the onlookers thought Bonnie and her gang were unreasonable.

‘It’s bad enough that girl stole the poor woman’s husband from her, but her gang is threatening to rip that couple’s tongues out. What terrible people.’

Once again, the onlookers defended the middle-aged woman.

“Hey, Bonnie, was it? You won’t quit until you get these poor people killed, huh? Nothing’s worse than morally corrupted people like you.”

“You’re too much, Bonnie! You and your friends are unreasonable! No wonder you’re friends. It seems birds of a feather do flock together.”

“I can’t stand them anymore. I’ll livestream the whole thing and show all of Arvandor just how wicked and loathsome that Bonnie person is.” The guy took his phone and prepared to stream everything.


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