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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 708

Sharron stood up and said, “I’ll come too.”

Before the family knew it, they heard someone kicking in their front door. Immediately after, about a hundred men in army uniforms entered their villa and gathered in their living room.

Sharron paled and hid behind Chester. “Wh-what are they doing here, honey? Why would they barge into our home?”

Chester felt intimidated. Still, he was the man of the house. So, he quickly calmed himself and soothed his wife, patting her hand and saying, “Stay calm. I’ll ask them why they’re here.”

Sharron nodded and said tremblingly, “Okay.”

Chester patted her hand again before approaching one of the army men. “Excuse me, why did you barge into my home without warning? We’ve done nothing wrong, either. Don’t you think you owe us an explanation?”

“Mr. Chester, do you honestly think the army would show up at your doorstep if no one in your family committed a crime?”

Chester heard Jim’s deep voice before turning to look at him. The latter wore combat boots as he emerged from behind the army men.

“M-Master Jim?!” Chester was shocked when he saw Jim. A profound sense of fear and respect rose in the former’s chest as he stammered, “P-Please be straight with me, Master Jim. What did my family do for the army to barge in here?”

Jim swept his imposing gaze across the living room and saw Eloise. He said, “Maybe you should ask her.”


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