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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 728

"We see each other every day. What's there to miss?"

"Don't you miss me?" Ivor held Bonnie's hand tightly, interlocking their fingers and gazing deeply into her eyes.

"I think about you every moment. What should I do? So you must think about me too. That's only fair."

Bonnie twitched at the corner of her mouth. "I didn't force you to think about me."

Ivor lowered his gaze, pretending to look dejected.

"So, in your eyes, am I such an unnecessary existence?"

Bonnie knew Ivor was pretending, but seeing him like this still made her uneasy.

She reached out and patted his shoulder. "How could that be? You're the person I need the most."

Ivor's eyes brightened again. Smiling slightly, he took Bonnie's hand in his.

"Honey, I knew you cared about me."

Although Bonnie felt helpless, seeing him so happy because of her words also brought a hint of sweetness to her heart.

Floyd, who was driving, involuntarily shuddered.

‘Mr. Ivor and Ms Bonnie have been interacting like this every day. How come they’re not sick of each other? I am already feeling goosebumps just watching them.’

The two of them leaned quietly against each other for a moment. Suddenly, Bonnie heard Ivor's voice, carrying a hint of jealousy.

"Is your relationship with Hamish that good that he comes here every other day? And now you're even making decisions for his company."


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