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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 731

A chorus of praises rang in her ears.

"Ms. Bonita's ideas and proposals are the best. We have no objections."

"Yes, our university is so honored to receive such an outstanding president as Ms. Bonita."

"Since Ms. Bonita came to our school, the problems that had plagued us for a long time have been solved. Not only that, we have also gained recognition and investment from many big shots."

"If we continue to develop like this, we'll draw in an increasing number of talented students and investors, which will improve the learning environment for the students. All of this is thanks to Ms. Bonita.”

“Ms. Bonita has achieved what we couldn't before. We can't compare to her! We must learn from Ms. Bonita."

After saying this, everyone else chimed in and agreed with the perspective.

"Yes, Ms. Bonita's arrival has brought about a leap in development for our school."

"How fortunate are we to have Ms. Bonita as our president? Without Ms. Bonita, our university would not have developed so quickly."

"Ms. Bonita has brought us too many surprises, and I can't even count them all."

As everyone spoke, they felt ecstatic.


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