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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 737

It was 10 p.m. when Bonnie carried a glass of milk to Ivor's study. She saw the door was tightly closed and knocked on it.

After waiting for about 10 seconds, there was no response from inside.

‘This is unusual. If Ivor were in the study, he would’ve responded by now.’

Bonnie pushed the door open. When she looked inside, she was taken aback. She saw that Ivor had fallen asleep on the desk. His handsome face was now filled with exhaustion, with dark circles under his eyes. He was fatigued.

Bonnie knew how disciplined Ivor was. If he was sleeping like this, he must be exhausted. She became even more convinced that there was a problem in his company.

But now that Ivor was so tired, pressing him for answers didn't seem appropriate. It would be better to wake him up and let him rest in the bedroom.

Bonnie slowly approached Ivor's side and reached out to gently pat his shoulder.

"Ivor, wake up, Ivor..."

The soft call in his ear made Ivor's eyelashes flutter, and he slowly opened his eyes. When he saw Bonnie in front of him, he stared blankly.

"Honey? How did you come into my dream?"

Bonnie smiled and flicked his forehead with her finger. "Does it hurt?"


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