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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 739

"What should we do now, Mr. Ivor?" Floyd suggested, seemingly struck by an idea, "Should we send someone to negotiate with Finley and persuade him to come over?"

"This approach is feasible," said Ivor, his expression darkening.

"However, since Gemedia Group found Finley before us, they must have hidden her very securely. It won't be easy to locate her."

"In that case, I'll send someone to investigate which designers have recently been in close contact with Gemedia Group. Once we have any news about Finley, I'll immediately send someone to negotiate."

"Alright, you handle the arrangements first and then contact other outstanding designers as a backup plan."

"Okay, Mr. Ivor."

In the afternoon, Bonnie had just returned from the research institute and ran into Halle and Rowena at the villa gate.

The three exchanged glances, and Bonnie smirked slightly.

"Why are you here?" Bonnie asked.

Halle straightened her chest and said arrogantly, "This is my cousin's house. I can come whenever I want. Do you think just because you used some shady means to be with my cousin, you can be the lady of the house?"

Bonnie retorted, "I am the lady of the house here. What's wrong with that?"

"You and my cousin haven't even gotten married yet, and you dare call yourself the lady of the house? Have you no shame—"

Halle's words were cut short as she saw Bonnie calmly approaching with her hands in her pockets.

She instantly stepped back and hid behind Rowena.

"W-What do you want to do?"


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