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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 760

As Ivor and Bonnie’s noses were about to touch, the latter stopped and stared at him profoundly. She said, “How about we bathe together? Maybe we can scrub each other’s backs.”

Ivor believed her wholeheartedly as his breathing intensified. Then, he said earnestly, “Oh, okay. Of course, we can.”

He wanted it to happen so badly. It would be an overstatement to say it was what he had always dreamed of. Still, he dared not show it as he did not want to seem too eager and turn Bonnie off.

She asked again, “Do you want to do it?”

“Yeah!” Ivor replied swiftly and firmly. He feared she would change her mind if he responded a second later.

“How much do you want it?”

“Very much.”

A hint of mockery flashed in Bonnie’s eyes. Suddenly, she shoved him away and rolled her eyes at him. “Dream on!”

She slammed the door in Ivor’s face, and the loud bang snapped him out of his trance. Ivor stared at the door and could not decide whether to be mad or amused. “You know how to keep me on the hook, Bonnie.”

Bonnie replied, “You’re the one who’s constantly trying to take advantage of me.”

Ivor said helplessly, “I’m a man, and it’s normal to do that, not to mention you’re the woman I love. Do you think I can stop myself from doing that? I didn’t have such thoughts initially, Bonnie. Still, I couldn’t help myself once you fluttered your eyes at me. I hope you can understand that.”

Bonnie said sternly, “I understand that you have needs and desires, but you promised you wouldn’t do anything to me until we’re married. I expect you to keep your word, Ivor. Don’t cross the line, or you’ll do something I think is intolerable. I’ll never agree to do anything before marriage.”


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