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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 781

Bonnie and Jim continued to shop at the market. They’d browse through the trinkets on the stalls, giving off the impression that they didn’t realize something was unusual there.

She swept her eyes across her surroundings but didn’t see anyone suspicious. So, she gave him a look, hinting at him to take a seat at a food stall.

Once both of them sat down, she leaned closer to him and whispered, “I checked out our surroundings, but I didn’t discover anything or anyone unusual. What about you?”

He shook his head gently and frowned.

“I’ve got nothing for now. Could it be that our assailant is extremely proficient and discreet?”

“You say that, but both of us aren’t exactly amateurs. We should’ve been able to suss out something.” She rubbed her chin and mulled it over.

“Let’s just continue to observe them. If they’re targeting us, that means they’re trying to do something. They won’t be holding back forever.”

“Okay. Remember. Don’t wander off too far from me. I’m worried that you’re their target,” he said solemnly.

‘I’m not worried about myself. Keeping Bonnie safe is what matters most to me,’ he thought.

She nodded. “Alright.”

Both of them had just finished talking when they heard an ear-piercing scream.

“Someone’s mugging me! Can anyone help me?!”

They followed the voice and turned their gaze. Then, they saw it. There was a lady from across the road, who was chasing after the mugger who snatched her pouch. She was holding a baby in her arms.

Her face was filled with despair as she cried and ran.

Bonnie saw it and couldn’t bear it anymore. She shot up from her seat and raced after the mugger.


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