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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 794

“Eeek!” Shane let out an ear-piercing shriek.

Tom’s face fell. “Mr. Shane!”

He was about to turn around when Bonnie appeared in front of him.

Her lips curled into a wicked grin when she met his gaze. “Weren’t you about to go down there and look for him? Worry not, I’m going to send you down as well.”

Tom’s face was filled with fear instantly. Then, he kept taking steps back when he spoke.


“Heh heh heh…” She sneered and snorted lightly. “I’m not asking.”

He tried to run, but she caught him. Twisting his wrist, she kicked his bottom squarely and booted him down there.

Tom’s miserable cries rose in the air. He rolled all the way down until he crashed into Shane.

“Ouch!” At first, Shane had scrambled to his feet, but he fell again when Tom rammed into him. It was so painful that he felt as if someone had broken his back.

Holding his waist, he kept groaning out of pain. His face was contorted with agony as well.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Shane. Are you okay?”

The slope wasn’t exactly steep. So, falling from the top of the tunnel wouldn’t have killed them.

With that said, both of their suits were littered with dust, making them look miserable.

Shane helped himself up with Tom’s support. Staring at Bonnie, who was standing on top of the tunnel, his eyes were filled with unbridled fury.


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