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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 868

Frankie had prepared himself for his father’s scolding. When he saw his father, he immediately blamed Bonnie and Andreas. He explained everything to Corbin, “I didn’t do anything, Dad! They started a fight with me! Andreas almost hit me, and…”

Corbin was furious as his son taunted Bonnie and the Zudalish prince. The former gritted his teeth and strode toward Frankie. Corbin slapped his son and scolded, “You’re such an idiot! Do you even know what you’re doing?!

“Apologize to them now and admit your mistakes! Tell them you’ll never trouble them again!”

Frankie's cheek stung as he regained his senses. His eyes widened in disbelief when he realized what his father said. Frankie argued, “I didn’t do anything wrong, Dad. Why should I apologize to them?”

“I won’t repeat myself, Frankie. Are you going to do as I said, or not?!” Corbin was so mad that his neck turned red.

Frankie was terrified of his father whenever the latter got mad. Still, the former held his head high and met his father’s furious glare. “I did nothing wrong, so good luck making me apologize!”

Smack! Smack!

Corbin slapped his son several more times. “You’re a waste of space! I wasted my time raising an idiot like you!”

He did not hold back when slapping his son, causing Frankie to yelp in pain, “Ah, that hurts! You smacked me so hard! Why would you do that?! I didn’t do anything!”

“Hmph, you still don’t realize what you’ve done, huh?” Corbin sighed, barely containing his anger. After finally composing himself, he said, “Since you insist on treating Bonnie so poorly, I’ll expel you from the university. You can reflect on your mistakes at home, Frankie!”

Frankie never expected his father to be so ruthless, all because the latter wanted Frankie to apologize to Bonnie and Andreas.

Frankie was furious as he stared at the duo. “Dad, although Bonnie has good grades, you don’t have to—”

Chapter 868 1

Chapter 868 2


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