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I Will Escape novel Chapter 10

As he gets out of the shower I sit down in the tub and curl myself into a ball. I cry out. Tears streaming down my face. I am embarrassed and hurt. I am terrified. Why is this happening to me? I let out a crying scream. My innocence is gone. He took it from me! He has taken everything from me. I don't understand why he wants me. Why he chooses me.

I tried to stand, but my legs are weak. They're shaking. As I look I can see blood running down in between my thighs. I am sore, I have bruises covering my body, and scars that he gave me from the door and beatings that he put me through. I'm wondering why he is doing this to me.

I make it standing up my legs still shaking. I start washing my body trying to scrub his scent off me. The water is burning my skin. I scrub and scrub.

I hear a knock at the door, “Hurry the hell up Sabrina!”

I respond, “Ok,” feeling beaten. I finish washing my body then my hair. I go to get out of the shower and there is a towel on the sink. I dry myself and look into the mirror seeing the bruises on my throat, my face looking broken, and feeling broken. 

Jazz says, “We need to stay strong Sabrina. It is going to be rough and it won't get better. We will get through this.”

“I know jazz, but I'm scared.” I know I can do this. A fire lights up inside me. I dry myself off and get dressed.

I walk out the bathroom and see Joyce the Alpha's sister. This bitch thinking she knows me lets the fun start. Joyce says, “Hi Sabrina. I was just coming to check in to see how you were feeling.”

I respond, “I'm fine. I could be trapped with your monster brother that just raped me not just once but twice and a lot probably to come. Living the dream. How about you Joyce how are you doing!”

“I am doing fine thank you. I know my brother is demanding and possessive, but he chose you,” she says. 

“Yes the bruises around my throat, face, and the mark on my neck proves it. Joyce I think you should probably go. Just get out. I don't need you checking up l-”

Alpha walks in. “Are you hungry,” he asks. I really want to tell him to go fuck himself, but the truth is I'm starving. 

“Yes I am.”

He reaches his hand out and says, “Let's go.” As he pulls me down the hall like I'm a toddler I smell bacon. Oh my god! It smells so delicious it's making my month water. He puts a plate of food in front of me. Eggs, bacon, and toast. He sits beside me and demands for me to eat. As I sit there and begin to eat so does he. We sit in silence while we are eating. 

He goes to touch my shoulder and I jump. It scares the shit out of me. He starts rubbing my back and says, “My girl Sabrina, you look beautiful.”

I say, “Please don't touch me.” 


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