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I Will Escape novel Chapter 16

I decided to stop punishing myself for what happened last night, and I get out of bed. I go into the closet to look for clothes. It's all his clothes. There's a small dresser inside the closet. I'm sorta of nervous opening it, but I do anyways. “Jackpot,” I scream out loud with excitement. I found some clothes, and they're my size. I'm thicker than most girls but the relief that overcomes me that I have something to wear is amazing. Jazz starts laughing, so I ask what's so funny. “Seeing how excited you are over having something you can wear. It's all about the small things.”

“Indeed,” I respond to her, “especially now.”

I get dressed into some leggings and a t-shirt and start heading to the kitchen. My mouth drops open. There is everything you can imagine on the kitchen table. I'm so excited to have a quiet breakfast with just me. I pick out some bacon and pancakes and heat it up. What the hell. I went and got a muffin too. It was delicious. I was full and there was way too much for me to eat. I cleaned up the kitchen and put all the uneaten food in containers. Then placed them in the refrigerator.

I start exploring the cabin. It's so nice not to be looked in a bedroom with no visual of the outside world. I can look outside. The windows are nailed shut, but there is still windows to look out of. It looks to be that I am in the middle of the woods somewhere. It looks chilly outside. How nice it would be to go outside. I go to the front door, and to my surprise it was unlocked. I open the door and start walking outside. It's freezing out, so I shut the door and lock it. I was shocked at myself for locking the door on my own, but I don't want anyone to just walk in.

As I look around I see a big screen TV. I'm an idiot when it comes to technology but let's try to get this to work anyways. I look for a remote. I can't find one anywhere, so I turn the TV on by the actual TV buttons. Nothing happens. It's blank shit and I don't know why, so I sit down on the couch. I feel something underneath me, so I pick it up, and it's the remote. I turn the box on and flip through the channels. I found reruns of the walking dead, so I watch it until I fall asleep.

I hear Jazz, “Wake up. Sabrina, wake up.”

I jump, “What is it Jazz?”

“I don't know, but I'm hearing noises. You need to shut all the lights out.” I run all over the cabin shutting the lights off not knowing what the hell is happening. 

Jazz starts laughing I say, What the hell is so funny.” 

“I was playing a joke on you. Just thought you should wake up and do something.”

“What the hell Jazz,” I say.

It's dark out now, so I'm thinking it's nighttime. I get up from the couch, and I hear a knock at the door. I can't see who it is. So out of fear I shift and Jazz is in defense mode. The door opens, and I see it the Alpha and I shift to my human form and run in the bedroom to get dressed. Alpha laughs, “Really Sabrina? I don't mind you walking around naked."

I come out of the bedroom he is in the bathroom. I go to the door and ask if he is hungry. I tell him that before he scared the shit out of me I was getting ready to make something to eat. He responds, “I'm starving.” I go in the kitchen to look to see what I can make.

I decided to make spaghetti since there is no thawed out meat. I started preparing and cooking the hamburger even though it's frozen. Then I put the water on the stove waiting for it to start boiling. I was stirring the hamburger as it cooked, and I added the sauce. The water started boiling, so I put the noodles in the water to cook. 

The Alpha walks out to the kitchen and says, “It smells good. What did you decide to cook?”

“Spaghetti,” I say to him. “Go ahead and sit. I will get us a plate of food.” I mix the noodles with the sauce and meat and put it on plates for us. I hand him his, and I sit across from him.


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