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I'm richer than my billionaire ex-husband novel Chapter 971

Chapter 971 Too tiring

Alina put on a smile as he looked towards Chester who was holding his child on the balcony and sunbathing, "I didn't bring up Penny either."

Until she was one year old, she was brought up by Megan. Alina was not well at that time, just not in the right physical condition.

Now she was health.

Nellie, "Trust me, bringing up a child is really tiring."

"Okay, I'll do as you say." Alina said.

The child was all around her, and she could see him at any time, so it didn't matter if he stick to her or not.

Nellie knew this very well. The children cling to her and made her feel happy during this time, but it was really tiring.

Even with all that help, she still felt exhausted.

When she heard that Alina's baby was clinging to Chester, she was envious.

The two talked for a while longer before Nellie hung up the phone at the sound of her baby's cries.

Alina's child was now sleeping, but no matter what time it was, as soon as he woke, he wanted to find Chester, and he started crying if he could not see Chester.

Chester came in with the baby in his arms, a tiredness on his face that could not be ignored.

When the child finally fell asleep, Chester wanted to put the baby in Alina's arms and tried to get some rest himself.

However, the child woke up just after being put to bed.

Alina looked to Chester with sympathy.

Unlike Nellie, her child was purely formula fed and the child had to stay with Chester at night.

So Chester himself had to get up and do things like making formula in the evening.

Alina knew that he hadn't slept well for days, and now looking at this child so sticky, Alina said, "Let me do it."

Before, Chester was happy because the child was sticky to him, but now he couldn't be happy.

It was really too tiring.

He was concerned about Alina's health and therefore did not want her to suffer.

Alina saw what he was thinking and took the child from his arms, "I am recovering well, don't worry."

Chester was relieved to hear her say so.

When it reached Alina's arms, the child's face was full of aggression, and he cried out loud.

Alina picked it up and walked around, yet the child still didn't buy it and kept crying.

Alina could not bear the noise, and eventually had to gave him back to Chester, and the child stopped crying as he reached Chester's arms.

Alina looked nervously at the child, "It seems that he is sticky to you."

Chester was helpless, after all, it was the child he personally carried out from Alina's belly, and it seemed reasonable that he was sticky to him.

But now he got a headache as the child did not want others but him alone.

When he came back, experienced infants' nurses changed one after another, but to no avail, the child just wanted him.

Alina's heart ached for Chester, "What can we do about this?"

Chester, "It's okay, you can sleep."

Although Nellie said it was good that the child was sticky to Chester, she felt sorry for him.

After all, Chester took the child to work with him during the day.

Yes, even if it was a meeting, he took the child with him.

It was really rare to see a child who sticks 24 hours a day, but Alina and Chester had seen it.

Chapter 971 Too Tiring 1

Chapter 971 Too Tiring 2


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