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I'm richer than my billionaire ex-husband novel Chapter 974

Chapter 974 Pursuit of Happiness (The End)

Margot didn't even dare to imagine that Andre would support her. Ever since she returned home and Andre saw what she was thinking, he had been constantly telling her how bad a person Caleb was.

The reason for this was that no matter what she was feeling for Caleb, she must stay far away from him.

What a surprise for her to hear this from Andre now.

When Andre saw the hope that showed in Margot's eyes, his heart sank even more.

He used to stop Alina and stop Margot.

It seems that if they stay away from relationship, they will not suffer from that pain of relationship, but after experiencing Nellie, he know that some relationship are bound to be a process.

When they get past that process, they'll definitely wait for the light.

Since her return to the Lawson family, many gentry have come to her door to propose marriage, but she has never been moved, so it is clear that she is a person whose feelings are paramount.

"I didn't let you have your heart set on him before because, I was worried about you getting hurt emotionally, and Caleb at that time was immature."


"All his thoughts were on Alina, and whoever came near him at that time would surely be hurt."

At that time, Caleb had no idea how feelings should really be taken care of. Now that he understands this, then he is bound to make a new start as well.

People who have been hurt are more careful to retaliate emotionally, not to cause further grief, and know what distance to draw away.

Margot nodded, "I understand what you mean."

"It's good that you don't think I'm biased in favor of Alina." Andre said.

When he was dealing with this matter before, he was very worried that Margot thought he was biased towards Alina.

But Margot never seemed to mind in these matters, which made it a lot easier for Andre.

Margot, "How can I? It's not over between them after all."

Even if Andre supported her, she would not have gone up to her at that time, she still had this bottom line.

There are some relationships that she doesn't have to have, just gives him silent blessing.


One week later, Caleb boarded a special flight to E City, yet when he got on the plane, he froze when he saw Margot sitting on the sofa.

He turned to Tomas who was following behind him, and Tomas was stunned when he saw Margot.

How did she get up in their special plane?

At the same time, a person flashed through both their minds - Andre.

In Shirling, there was nothing that Andre could not do. Apart from the last time he got stopped by Alina to Sinantu Pavilion, no one could really make things difficult for him.

Seeing Caleb's tense face, Margot stood up and came to his side, taking his suit jacket that was resting on the crook of his arm.

In a gentle voice, she said, "For the next six months, please take care of me, Mr. Collins."

"What do you mean?" Caleb didn't understand what Margot meant by that.

Seeing him looking at her with a puzzled expression, Margot didn't feel embarrassed at all, "My brother said that I would be over in E City for the next six months, and that I would seek for your help if I have trouble I can't solve on my own, and that you would help me for his sake."

That was the reason? Tomas expressed his doubts.

And Caleb now heard what Margot meant, was it that he had not made himself clear to Andre?

Or did Andre have confidence in him that he wouldn't hurt Margot?

Seeing that Caleb didn't say anything, Margot moved closer to his ear, her warm breath puffing on his ear with some charm, "Give me six months, okay? Just six months."

The last three words were spoken very firmly by Margot.

And her temperature made Caleb's body stand in place like an electric shock.

Standing a short distance behind, Tomas looked between the two and turned to back away.

Caleb caught Margot's arm, "In six months, go back to Shirling."

Margot smiled.

"Okay." Whether she had to go back to Shirling in six months' time or not, it would depend on what kind of development was going on between them.

Andre said she would only be given six months.

If in six months, she can't win Caleb's heart, then it means that it's impossible between them in this lifetime.

Chapter 974 Pursuit Of Happiness (The End) 1

Chapter 974 Pursuit Of Happiness (The End) 2


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