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Author's pov...

Ernest was doing his work again but he was getting distracted again and again as he was remembering her crying face...

"F*CK! Why am I getting distracted just because of her, dammit!" Ernest slammed his fist hard on the table.

Meanwhile, he noticed his phone was vibrating...

Ernest picked his phone and said,

"Hello, Dad."

"Ernest, Why have you gone to India? and Why didn't you inform me before going there?" snarled Edward.

"Dad, I have many projects which I have to see, that's why."

"But Ernest, you can send anybody in place of you, Right?"

"No, Dad, I want to handle these projects myself, but don't worry I'll come soon. "


"But dad, why don't you let us come here?"

"Ernest, don't ask me anything now, just finish your work and come soon...Got it"

"Ok dad, but I want to say one thing to you?"


"Dad, please call back all your spies because I don't like anyone watching over me...Please..."

"But he is there for your safety, Ernest."

"Dad, I don't need anyone to keep me safe and you know now very well, so I hope―"

Ok, Ernest, I'll do it as you say, but remember that, don't tell Meera, that you are in India right now!"

"Yes, dad."

Then, Edward hanged up the phone...

While Ernest was thinking about why is his mom and dad are trying to hide?... Should he find out or not?

At that same time, someone knocked on his door,



"Sir, there is a meeting with all delegates tomorrow morning," said Noah while holding a file.


Noah turned to move, Ernest stopped him, "Wait, Noah."

"Yes, sir,"

"Has that girl gone?"

"Yes, sir...But why?" Noah said and stared at him in confusion.

"Nothing ...  you call all delegates right now and say them, I want to meet them right now as I want to know the signs of progress of the projects."

"Ok, Sir." said Noah."Sir, do you want to call Mr. Aditya too?"

"Of course, Why not?"

"Ok, Sir," said Noah and went from there.

"Ernest what's wrong with you, dammit!... Why are you asking about her?" He said while clenched his fist as he was feeling frustrating now...

"I have to be busy or else the unnecessary thoughts will keep coming to my mind." thoughts Ernest and do continues his work.


"Ruhi, now tell me what he said?" Kavya asked while looked towards her.

"Kavya, he doesn't agree with us, and he will not sell that land to us," said Ruhi while lowered her head as she was still thinking what Ernest has said to her for her character, and a lone tear escaping from her eyes.

After heard her, kavya also got worried. She thoughts, What will happen ahead? Then she stared at her and saw she was crying?

"Ruhi, Why are you crying?" Kavya asked while wiping her tears.

"Kavya, that--"

"Hmm, tell me, What happened?"

"that, he will not sell that land at any cost..."

"Oh, God! That's why you are crying. you have scared me badly, Ruhi. I thought he has done something to you," said kavya.

"Actually, kavya-"

She saw, her phone was ringing.

"Ruhi, please, one minute, Mumma is calling me from the hospital."


The readers' comments on the novel: INDIAN BRIDE OF ROYAL PRINCE