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Author's pov...

"Have you collected your certificate and TC from College?" Kartik asked inquisitively.

"Yes, I've just collected today."

"Great...so, when are you leaving for Delhi?" Karthik asked with smiled face.

"Actually, Karthik, I am not going to Delhi," said Ruhi.

"Why, Ruhi?" Kartik asked, and suddenly hold her hand, "Ruhi, Why are you not going? ... It's a good opportunity for you, so—"

"Hisss," Ruhi hissed with pain as he holds her hand.

Kartik's eyes got furrowed as he heard her painful voice and saw towards her hand, "Sorry Ruhi, but how got you burn your hand that much?"

"Ruhi took back her hand from his grip and said, "it's ok, Kartik, It's not that much burn."

Meanwhile, someone was also looking at them with his intense gazing.

"How can you say that?" Kartik holds her wounded hand back, and said, "Look, How much you got burn your hand?"

"Karthik, I have already applied antiseptic, so don't worry."

"But, Ruhi—"


As she heard her name, she took her hand back and looked towards that voice as kavya was shouting her name from afar and running towards her.

"Sorry Ruhi, you had to wait for me a long time," Kavya apologized as gasping.

"No, kavya, It's ok," said Ruhi with a smiled face.

Then kavya noticed Kartik as he standing near her.

"Hello Kartik," said Kavya.

"Hello, kavya,"

"How are you? "

"I'm good, you say?"

"I'm also good...Btw, Congratulation, you got 2nd position in our college," said Kavya while stretched her hand towards him.

"Thank you, kavya," said Kartik while shaking his hand with her.

"Ok, I'm leaving now...Bye Ruhi," he said while gazing at her.

"Bye," Ruhi also said.

"Bye kavya," said Kartik.

"Bye Kartik," said kavya while waving her hand.

After Kartik has gone, kavya said while gazing at her, "Ruhi, I think he likes you."

"What?" said Ruhi with her wide eyes.

"Yes, "

"Kavya, It's nothing like that ... you don't run your brain's horses too much coz we are just friends and nothing much," she said while chuckled.

"But Ruhi, I really think—"

"Don't think anything just now and let's go, we are getting late to reach the palace."

"Oh yaa! let's go."


Ernest Pov...

We are on the way, and I was doing my work on my laptop in the car, suddenly Noah stopped the car, so I shouted, "What the hell happened, this time? Noah,"

"Sir, I think the car's tire got punctured," said Noah while turned his face towards me.

Holy crap, I don't want to be late as I am very punctual, so I hurriedly said to him without wasting any moment, "Go and check that, what issue happened with the car?"

"Yes, sir," said Noah and gets off the car.

After some moment he came and leaned towards the car's window, so I slightly opened the window, "sir, tire got punctured, and we have no spare tire to change that tire."

"F*CK, what the hell? Why didn't you check it before? Dammit!" I shouted in a very loud voice because I'm done with him this time, How can he be so irresponsible.

"Sorry, sir," he said while lowered his head.

"Don't show your dismayed face to me, Noah, find the mechanic soon as I don't want to be late because of your carelessness ... Got it?"

"Yes, sir," said Noah and went from there hurriedly.

Fu*k! Sometimes I really feel like, the airheads are working around me.

then I got off the car and looked around me as this city is really beautiful as mom had told us ... If I get the time, I'll buy something for my dear Ellie and her, then I see,

"What the hell is she doing here? and Who is he that was standing beside her?" I said while clenching my fist as I saw her standing on the other side of the road with that man.

All of sudden, I realized what the hell is wrong with me? after all why am I getting angry? as she is nobody for me...right?

Then, I noticed that man suddenly grabbed her hand and was saying something to her and was standing very close to her while holding her hand, "Damn it! How can he hold her hand?"

But she took back her hand as he holds her hand, and saying something to him. I also feel relieved to see that.

But that man again hastily holds her hand while saying something.

But this time she doesn't free her hand from his grip and listening to him very carefully but seeing her that action I was raging inside.

No, Ernest, you can't mind her action as she is nobody to you ... so mind your own business. Meanwhile, I heard,


I turned back as Noah was standing there," yes? "

"Sir, the car's tire has got changed," He replied. "Shall we go?"

I nodded, but before going, I again saw them as now her friend was also standing beside them...but I really don't know why this girl affecting me so much?


Raja Sahab's palace...

Author's Pov

Vikram, Suresh, and Surya were sitting upstairs in the Drawing room...

"Vikram, why didn't he come till now?" scowled Surya.

"Don't know, Surya, as far as I heard about him he is very punctual," Vikram replied.

"So, why didn't he come till now, as we are waiting for him for half an hour."

"Wait, let me call his assistant," said Vikram while taking the phone out of his pocket.


"Hello," said Vikram.

"Yes, Mr. Vikram."

"Where are you both as you have not reached till now?"

"Sorry, Mr.Vikram our car's tire got punctured that's why we got late but don't worry we about to  reach there in a few minutes,"

"Oh! ... "

"Ok, we meet there..." said Noah and hanged up the phone.

"Surya, he is about to come in a few minutes as their car's tire got a puncture in mid-way that's why they got late..."

Surya hummed to hear him.


The readers' comments on the novel: INDIAN BRIDE OF ROYAL PRINCE