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Ruhi completes her translation in few minutes as she said and went inside.

*Living room*

She saw Ernest was reading his file as sitting on the couch and Noah was too sitting beside him and some maids were doing their chores.

She went near them and said in meek voice as giving her notebook, "Sir, I have completed my work."

Ernest stared at her and took the notebook from her hand but before that he kept his file aside.

As he opened the notebook to read that translation, his eyes got wide to seeing that creepy handwriting as he couldn't able to understand a single character.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?" he bellowed as throwing notebook on the floor, getting up from the couch.

Her body got shook with fear as heard his loud shrilling voice. Meanwhile Noah and maids were staring at them.

He continues his yelling as glaring at her, "Don't you know how to write it? how can you get first position in college if you can't do a simple thing..."

Maids and Noah felt bad for her as Ernest was shouting at her in very loud voice, that too in front all of them. Noah went and lifted that notebook.

Ruhi looked down and said as stuttering, "S..ir, Yo...u ha..ve sa...id m...me t..to fin...ish th..is tra..nsl...ation i..in o..one―"

"Listen, you are not in a position to argue with me so keep this point in your useless mind," Ernest yelled, gritting his teeth and walked towards her.

Her fear was increasing inside as seeing his every step, and said again in stuttering as lowered her head, "Si..sir, I..I a..am so..rry, I..I w..ill w..write i..it a..again."

"Ok, I'm giving you a last chance to prove yourself, go and write it neat and clean and remember that, I want each and every point in it ... Understood?"

She was listening him as looking down and she was on the verge of crying but she was holding her tears as she didn't want to cry in front of all of them.

Meanwhile other members was looking towards her with sympathy.

He diverted his gaze towards Meena and said,"Mrs.Meena."

"Yes, sir," she said as coming towards him.

"Go and serve my lunch, I am coming in a while," he said as walking towards the stairs.

"Yes sir," she said and went from there to dining table.

He stopped abruptly and turned towards her.

"Remember that Ms.Ruhi, you have to complete your work today and have to show me today itself."Ernest glared at her and continued," and yes, you can take enough time as you want because you will not have your lunch until I see your work...Got it?"

She hummed as raising her head.

"I want words, MS.RUHII!" he said to her in very deep voice as glaring her hazel eyes.

"She stammered as heard him, "Y-Yes S-Sir."

"Good," he smirked and continued his stepped towards the stairs.

Noah came towards her as Ernest went from there and placed his right hand on her shoulder gently, "Ms.Ruhi, Are you okay?"

She again hummed but stared his hand.

He takes away his hand as soon as he noticed her gaze and said,"Sorry," and continued as giving her notebook,"Do you remember every discussion?"

"Yes, sir," she said as taking her notebook from his hands and went from there to write her translation again.


After having lunch,

When Ernest was going towards his study room for his video conferencing, he saw Ruhi who was doing her work keenly as sitting on the balcony.

She was doing her translation but sometimes she was chewing her pen between her glossy pink lips while thinking as looking upward and her hairs' strands were coming on her face because of gust of wind.

As seeing her, he felt attracted towards her and moved his steps towards her, but suddenly he got stopped, clenched his fist as remembered that moment, how she had snatched her hand from his grip.

He glared towards her with his red anger eyes and went from there.

*Study Room*

He entered as stormed in the study room  and sat on his chair.

"Fu¢k!" he groaned as slamming his fist on the desk hard and lean back on his swivel chair.

Ernest's pov...

"Dammit! What's wrong with me? Why am I attracting towards her as I know how bit¢hy she was? I consider she has translated each and every line perfectly in Mr.sinha's office but...but she is  vicious and characterless girl, so I will never show any mercy on her as she has ruined my orphanage plan. I don't know what had happened to me that I had held her hand at that time, but she snatched her hand from my grip as like she was very virtuous. But I got to know her very well, how virtuous she was?

But Don't worry, Ms. Ruhi, I won't let you live in peace as long as I'm here."

Author's pov

"Knock knock"

"Come in," Ernest said as looking towards the door.

Noah came in his room with his laptop.

"Sir, your meeting―"

"I remembered Noah," said Ernest as leaning on the table.


The readers' comments on the novel: INDIAN BRIDE OF ROYAL PRINCE