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Author's pov

"Davies sir"

As Alice and Ernest was about to go from there, Ruhi stopped Ernest.

"I want to ask you something related to xxx project," she said to Ernest as catching a glimpse of Alice.

"Ok, you talked with her, I am going first," Alice said as holding the door knob.

"Ask, what do you want to ask?" Ernest said as coming towards her.

"Sir, pls give this sweet box to Kamal dadi," she said as looking at that box who had held by Ernest.

"So you have made this for only Mrs.kamaljeet."

Ruhi nodded while looking down as she has made that sweet only for Mira Arthur, but she can't say that to him.

"Now tell me, what do you wanna ask?"

She asked work related problems, in which she was having some doubts. After clearing her doubts, he said,"Ok, do your work and stays inside."

Ruhi nodded, he also went from there and she also started her work as sitting on the couch.


Alice and kamal both of them was sitting in the car.

"Alice, why Ruhi didn't come yet?" asked Kamal while looking at the door.

"Kamal, she is doing her office work in your house as she has to complete a file before 12 pm for a meeting."


"Are you ok with it as she is staying there?"

"Yes, I don't have any issues as she is staying in my house, and thank you Alice as you have appointed a care taker for my house in my absence."

Alice smiled as looking at her.

"Well! Davies is also not coming with us as he has meeting at 12 o'clock."


As she uttered, Ernest came up there with a bag and opened the gate of car and hopped on the driving seat and placed that bag next to him.

"Where is Racheal?" said Alice while looking at him.

"He has gone to my house to bring some files for Ms.Ruhi as she is doing her work here," said Earnest starting the car.

"Davies, can you reduce her work load as she is preparing for her entrance exam too?"

"Granny, I am giving her less work than rest of my employees," he said in stern voice.

"It's doesn't seem so,"Kamal mumbled while rolling her eyes.

As heard her, he stopped the car on the side and yelled as turned towards her,"Look, Mrs kamal jeet, I know you are closest friend of my granny and I respect that. But don't cross your limit as I can't endure even a little bit insolency of you now, so behave yourself. And one more thing, I know, you already know about me. Don't you?"

Kamal got stunned and speechless as heard him and looked at him with her frowned brows.

Alice eyes got wide too heard him, she inquired inquisitively as how he knows all this ,"How do you know? Huh?"

Ernest ignored her question completely and continued while starting the car again,"Granny, tell your friend as she doesn't poke her nose in my affairs because now I won't endure it."

Alice looked at Kamal as she was looking towards Ernest in disbelief, she placed her hand on her shoulder and continued,"Davies, Why are you saying like that?"

"You can ask your friend as what she is saying with my employee a while ago behind my back," said Ernest as glaring at rear view mirror.

Kamal remembered her words:

"Ruhi, how do you work with this Rude person?"

"I think you remembered your words now. Isn't it Mrs.kamaljeet?"


The readers' comments on the novel: INDIAN BRIDE OF ROYAL PRINCE