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Invincible Heir novel Chapter 271

Sherry tiptoed to Terry’s bed, her eyes full of murderous intentions.

In the past few days, every day appeared like a year in length to her.

She didn’t only have to bear that her plan would be exposed at any time but also to face the bore in the hospital.

In her past more than fifty years, she had never taken care of anyone like this.

She had to wipe Terry’s body as well as clean his excreta, which made her feel as if she was living in hell.

However, when she was truly taking the action, she hesitated.

There seemed to be two inner voices in her mind. One said, “Don’t take any action. Once you do, it’s a murder. Terry Perry might be like this all his life. It’s not worth risking your future with such a helpless wreck!”

But soon, another inner voice said, “You should act quick. This is your best Chance. Terry Perry is a vegetable now. Even if he dies, his death would be identified as natural.”

Standing in front of Terry’s bed, she couldn’t make a move for a long time.

After hesitating for five or six minutes, she finally made up her mind. She looked at Terry more and more ferociously.

‘Die!’ her inner voice exclaimed crazily.

Suddenly, she grabbed the quilt and covered it above Terry’s head directly.

“What are you doing?”

Suddenly she heard Tracy’s angry voice.

Sherry fully focused on Terry just now. Upon hearing Tracy’s voice, Sherry was so freaked out that she almost wet her pants.

“Ah? I... I... I was tucking your father into the quilt.”

Sherry looked horrified, her hands trembling.

Just now, as soon as she stood in front of Terry’s bed, Tracy woke up. She had thought that Sherry was about to change Terry’s diaper. However, much to her surprise, Sherry directly covered Terry’s head with the quilt.

If Tracy hadn’t seen it herself, she could never believe that her mother would have done it.

“Fuck off!”

Tracy rushed over, pushing Sherry away. She said while weeping, “How could you be so heartless? Why did you do this? Tell me why!”

While weeping, Tracy couldn’t help roaring. She was extremely furious.

She was quite clear what Sherry was doing just now -- her mother wanted to kill her father.

She had never expected that her mother, who had been taking care of her father wholeheartedly, would want to kill her father.

“Tracy, what nonsense are you talking about? I was truly tucking your father into the quilt.”

Sherry was extremely horrified as well. Immediately, she retorted, “If I truly wanted to kill your father, I should do it when you all are not here, shouldn’t I?”

“As soon as you stood in front of Dad’s bed, I woke up. What else do you want to quibble? I’ll call the police now!”

As she spoke while weeping, Tracy pulled out her cell phone and was about to call the police.

“Bang!” Sherry directly knelt to Tracy. She said between sobs, “Tracy, please don’t call the police. I know I was wrong. I would never do it again. If you call the police, I have to spend the rest of my life in jail. Do you really have the heart to see me go into jail?

“Do you think I was willing to do so? I have done for Yuri and you!

“I’ve asked the doctor a long time ago. He said the chance that your father will wake up is quite tiny. He’s been torturing when he’s still alive!

“It’s not only the torture for him but also Yuri and you. You both need to work and take care of Lara. Now you will need to come here to take care of your Dad. I feel so sorry for you girls.”

While she spoke, Sherry cried. Tracy was also sobbing. With reddish eyes, Tracy said, “As long as Dad is still breathing, there’s hope. Who do you think you are to stop him from living on? You don’t have the right!”

Sherry knew Tracy very well.

She spoke some words while weeping, which truly softened Tracy’s heart. Although Tracy was still blaming Sherry, she put down her cell phone.

“Tracy, I was wrong. You know me. I even dare not to kill a fish. How would I have the guts to kill your father? I’ve done it because I don’t want Yuri and you to live so hard. Please forgive me. I promise. I’ll never have such an evil mind again. All right?” Sherry begged again while Tracy was touched.

“No matter what your reasons are, it’s not right since you wanted to kill Dad. I’ll never forgive you all my life!”

Tracy said determinedly with reddened eyes, “Just leave. I don’t want to see you anymore!”

“Tracy, I truly have admitted my mistake. I’ve never done anything wrong all my life. Aren’t you willing to forgive me just for this matter?”

Sherry was shocked and frightened.

Chapter 271: Found 1


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