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Invincible Heir novel Chapter 273

“Who... who the hell are they? What do they want?”

Sherry had never faced such a situation before. Right then, her eyes were full of fear, and she couldn’t help trembling at all.

The two bodyguards from the Brown family completely ignored them. They looked extremely solemn when seeing those enemies.

“Why did you stop us?” Scarlet asked while looking at them coldly.

“Leave Sherry Zouch. Or, none of you can leave here!”

A tall and strong man among the crowd had an obvious scar across his nose bridge on his face.

He also held a broadsword. He also had the Death tattoo on his strong arms.

Upon hearing it, Scarlet was shocked. She had never expected that those people came for Sherry.

She couldn’t understand why those people would target Sherry, a vicious woman with no background.

How could they come only for Sherry by sending seven to eight skillful fighters?

Even if someone else knew it, Scarlet didn’t think others would believe it.

Sherry, who was locked in the car, almost burst into tears when hearing that the other party’s target was her. “Who the heck are they? Why do they want me to stay?

“You want to keep her stay? Impossible!” said Scarlet with a cold look.

Although she also disgusted Sherry very much, Baron had assigned her to the mission of sending Sherry to Kato, so Scarlet must accomplish it even if she would die.

“I can tell you are not willing. I’m gonna kill you all first!” said the man with a scar on his face.

As soon as he finished speaking, he raised the broadsword and rushed over to Scarlet.

Meanwhile, all of his men rushed over to her as well.

Right then, Scarlet didn’t look fearless at all. With Devin’s knife in her hand, she suddenly moved her feet and rushed over to the man with the scar.

Neither of the bodyguards from the Brown family had any hesitation, following her to face the enemies.

At the same time, Baron, who was comforting Tracy and calming her down, also received the news that Scarlet was attacked.

“I’m afraid I must go now, Tracy. Please take care of Dad,” suddenly Baron said.

Tracy, who was enjoying the warm moment, felt quite down when hearing his words.

“All right. Be careful when driving. Go to bed early,” said she.


Baron could feel how disappointed Tracy was.

However, Scarlet and another two men needed help. Baron was worried about the, but he couldn't tell Tracy. Hence, he could only choose to leave.

As soon as he walked out of the ward, he dialed a number. “Arrange the nearest force to back Scarlet up. She’s on the Spring Road from Cona to Kato now.”

Kris, who was sleeping soundly, received a call from Baron. He didn’t ask about anything but immediately answered, “Yes!”

The black Phaeton crazily headed to the place where Scarlet had encountered the attack just a flash in the night.

Baron emanated coldness all over his body right now. Just now, he only received a text message from Scarlet, which was sent on short notice with two words, "Got attacked!”

Baron had thought that it might be someone from Martial Association, targeting Scarlet.

He had never expected that the attack that Scarlet encountered aimed at Sherry.

During midnight, there was nearly no vehicle on the way. Baron had fully utilized the performance of Phaeton. The car was roaring crazily on the road, running like a black flash.

While Baron was rushing to the attack scene, Scarlet was fighting crazily.

What shocked the man with a scar was that Scarlet was so young, but she was way too powerful. He even didn’t think he could win against her.

Right then, most of his men had fallen on the ground. The rest dared only to surround Scarlet instead of making any movement.

“I’m Scar Man, a well-known person in my circle, but I’ve never heard such a female fighter like you. Who on earth are you?” asked the man with a scar solemnly.

He could feel the strong murderous intention from her.

In fact, Scarlet was more capable than he was.

After all, he brought along seven skillful fighters, but Scarlet only had two. In such a situation of the great disparity in strength, Scarlet still fought against them and didn’t lose.

Scarlet looked quite cold. “It’s none of your business who I am. But I can tell you if you still want to fight, I’ll take on you to the end!”

“Humph!” Scar Man snorted.

He said, “You are so arrogant!”

As soon as he finished speaking, he waved his hand. “Leave this woman to me. You, take away Sherry Zouch!”


The rest two men immediately rushed over to Sherry.

Scarlet was pretty anxious. The two bodyguards sent by the Brown family had already been injured in the fight just now. They couldn’t fight again.

Right now, she was alone. Besides Scar Man, there were still other men from the other party.

Just now, during the fight, she had lost a lot of strength. Although she still looked quite aggressive now, she was just pretending to be calm.


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