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It Was You novel Chapter 17

In the hall, there was a frightening silence.

Martin still stood straight in the middle of the hall, with a straight face.

"Done?" Martin raised his head slowly with darkness in his eyes.

He was just standing there casually, but his face seemed to be covered with a layer of invisible frost, and his pure black hair looked very soft. However, even though he looked calm, there was a strong sense of murderous will in an instant, which swept over.

Cary's face suddenly froze. For some reason, when he saw Martin's emotionless but attractive face, he suddenly had an ominous premonition.

Cary forced himself to calm down and sneered," huh! Let me see what waves you can make today! "

Martin stared at Cary for a few seconds, with increasing coldness in his body. After a long time, his icy voice slowly sounded in the hall, "Rufus has embezzled a large amount of public funds, running an underground casino in private, involved in poison and smuggling. In the company, he is also involved in the problem of the company, for example, to protect his mistress According to the family rules, he should be expelled from the Lu clan and shall never step into the capital. I broke his right leg as a warning. What's wrong with it? "

The Hall fell into dead silence as soon as Martin finished his words.

Sweat dripped from Cary's forehead and his face turned pale. He clenched his fists and thumped the table, shouting, "nonsense! As an employee of this company, Rufus had been working very hard and had never embezzled even a penny of this company. How could he have the opportunity to embezzle the huge public funds? Let alone those underground casinos You got him framed! "

Martin replied expressionlessly, "before you came in, I have handed over all the evidence to the police. Whether he is framed or not, the police will find out, Don't worry, uncle."

Cary suddenly paused, a chill of bone came over his back. He stared at Martin, unwilling to accept the truth. Why, why could this bastard turn over at this time!


Gritting his teeth, Cary's eyes turned red with anger. "Martin, anyway, Rufus is your brother. Why did you frame him up again and again! You What intention do you have? "

Martin's eyes dimmed and gave a cold smile," now that you trust him, why are you afraid of the result of the investigation?"

Cary was so angry that his face turned completely red. "You! ! You're being unreasonable! "


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