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It Was You novel Chapter 33

Not only that, but also the FX International Group had suffered losses many times due to Walker, and even the group was on the verge of bankruptcy. After all, no matter how rich the Lu group was, it would not cost a huge price to support a scrap company.

Moreover, back then, Martin wasn't interested in running a meaningless entertainment company.

She never expected that it was Walker who took control of this matter.

But now, she could figure out many things that she hadn't figured out before.

Ella was a newcomer who was not famous at all under the name of starry international, Walker should have investigated her personal resume in advance. He knew that she had a seriously ill brother and that it would cost a lot of money. Therefore, he had designed this perfect trap for her.

Now, what he needed to do was to give a last resort to help the helpless Ella. As long as both she and Johnny appeared in the hotel, the police would deal with this matter. With the help of the police, Johnny could not give a convincing explanation.

And, if she guessed it right, Johnny should have received a call, saying that he was coming to take part in an audition or something related to a movie. Otherwise, he wouldn't have gone out to the hotel alone before the filming crew could start the film.

No wonder he is the most famous star in the entertainment circle

Walker's arrangement was flawless. If she hadn't known in advance that Johnny was innocent and found out the ID and bank account of the other party, she couldn't have found the truth in such a short time.

But he couldn't tell if it was a coincidence that Walker chose to take over Johnny. Was it his plan against the World Media or For the sake of Roger?

Samuel's eyes narrowed dangerously, A moment later, she sent the ID and the remittance screenshot of bank account of Walker to her private e-mail. After that, she closed the computer.

"Ella, this matter has been a trap from beginning to end, You should be glad that you are not involved too much." The man looked at Ella calmly and said.

Ella was still in shock. When she heard the man's voice, she stared at him with blank eyes. After a long time, she smiled bitterly and uttered, "I'm sorry..."

The man shook his head. "You are not sorry for me, If Johnny was really ruined, would you really feel at ease?"

Ella buried her cheek in her palm, her body trembling slightly, she was not an evil person and had no other choice but to come to this point. But she had never thought about ruining Johnny.

The man stood up slowly. "It's not terrible that a person does something wrong, but the terrible thing is that he has no courage to face it. You're still so young, and you have time to make up for it. Ella Don't let yourself live the rest of your life with sin. "

The man walked out of the house of Ella family without sparing her one more glance.

She remembered that Ella had been taking it to heart in her previous life. She not only parted from the entertainment circle completely, but also lived in guilt and self-reproach in the rest of her life. Even if she later stood out to clarify the truth of the incident, she still hadn't been relieved.

She knew that Ella still had a kind heart, so she approached her in this way. What she wanted to save was not just Johnny And even Ella.

After walking out of Zhao family, the man returned to the car and took off the peaked cap on his head. The moment the cap was taken off, a black hair like a waterfall fell down. Under the peaked cap, there was a reversed face.

A few seconds later, her phone rang. The girl was stunned and felt guilty.


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