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I've Been There Before (Grace and Caden) novel Chapter 187

At the airport.

The pane arrived. Two outstandingly handsome men walked out. They weren’t celebrities, yet wherever they went, they could attract attentions.

“I told you Caden, we should go to the special pathway.”

Humbert was very helpless. They just dealt with a commercial spy, and both the Shaw Group and the White Group fulfilled their purposes.

Before Humbert had the chance to take a break, Caden had already booked the flight tickets to return.

And Humbert was already exhausted, but looked at Cade… He was still energetic.

The stark contrast really annoyed Humbert.

“Hey, slow down.”

Humbert was really fatigue. A good family education, a long-term culture and habits made him very tired, but it also forced him to behave elegantly and maintain his stalwart figure.

But all these were no match to Caden.

Humbert couldn’t understand. They were both humans with a nose, two eyes and a mouth. Nothing more or less, and they had been eating and living together for the past few days. Neither of them rested more than the other.

What infuriated Humbert the most was the gazes from the crowd… They could have gone to the special pathway, but Caden just refused to.

“Talk more, and you can only go back on a cab.”

Humbert was stunned and he soon realized: “Caden, won’t your conscience hurt?”

There was already a black business car waiting outside to pick the two men up.

“Grace…” Humbert hesitated for a long time, but he still mentioned the person that Caden didn’t want to talk about now as the car drove to the section of the road to the Shaw family mansion: “What are you going to…”

“She is my wife. We are going to have children.”

Humbert was choked.

He looked the man’s cold profile next to him. A feeling of ridiculousness surged in his heart suddenly… He felt that the man in front of him was getting sicker. After the pain, he chose to seal a part of himself.

This was equivalent to evasion.

But it was Caden Shaw. This was Caden Shaw!

Would Caden Shaw evade anything?


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