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I've Been There Before (Grace and Caden) novel Chapter 19


On the second day


When Grace arrived at the Royal Club, she found something strange. Two or three people were gathering together and talking in whispers while pointing at her.


Grace was not really bothered. Maybe it was because that she, a cleaner, was abruptly promoted to the P.R. Department that had shocked them.


But the thing happened in the lounge of the P.R. Department later reminded her that she had been too naive to think so.


“Hahaha, here comes the dog.” The unexpected taunt made Grace's face bloodless. She recognized that the one who was pointing at her and insulting her as a dog was Luna, the hostess of Room 606.


“Luna, lower your voice. We're not blind, and we can see a female dog just came in.”


Luna was amused, “Qh, is a pity that you didn't see it by yourself. When Young Master .Joyce Lance ordered her to crawl on her knees to pick up the notes, this woman, with a clown costume and a thick make-up, simply followed the order and crawled on the ground. Young Master .Joyce Lance ordered her to wag her tail, and she also complied. Real talk, I was bug-eyed in shock.”


Grace felt as if all her blood had frozen.


She blinked her eyes in confusion. Who had turned off the light? Why did she feel it so dark in the room?... But in the eyes of others, Grace was standing there motionlessly with terror written all over her face.


But what they didn't know was that, Grace was indeed frightened by the sudden loss of her eyesight.


Although she temporarily lost her eyesight, her hearing was sharper than ever and she could hear clearly all the teasing and taunt of those hostesses and models.


That was why, for a second, she had a though of “I wish I could die now.” But at the next second, Leonas face, which was always filled with hope for future, appeared in her mind again.


No way... How could she die now?


She should live her life for the girl who died for her.


Then she gradually saw specks of light and regained her eyesight. Like a lifeless doll which would never get mad, Grace ignored the gossips and all kinds of wordy humiliations from the people around, seeming not bothered to refute them.


Luna felt annoyed when seeing Grace acting like this. She stepped forward and pushed Grace, “What are you pretending for? Don't act like a saint when you're just a bitch! I didn't see your arrogance and dignity when you swing your hips to entertain the guests!” Luna felt that it was not enough with these words and kicked Grace hard.


Originally, Grace's legs were problematic; so naturally, there was no way she could withstand a kick from Lunas stiletto. Then with a loud sound, Grace struck the ground heavily.


“Luna, you should be gentler. How could you kick her onto the ground?” One of the onlookers began to condemn Luna. lt was fine to humiliate Grace verbally, but beating her had gone too far.


Luna refuted defensively, “I didn't use too muụch power! How could I know that she's so weak?” As she was speaking, she let out at Grace again, as if she was kicking a piece of trash, “Isn't it enough? Stand up. lt worf work even if you keep pretending. Even if you want to pretend to be weak to win their sympathy, there's a prerequisite - you should have a good appearance.”


Unsatisfied, Luna turned around and grinned evilly at the girls, “Oh, did I kick her onto the ground just now? Why did I have no idea about it? Eek, didn't I kick a dog just now?”


“Hahaha... Correct. Luna is not the kind of person who would kick people. She kicked a dog just now.”


“Come on, bark like a dog.”


“I got a good idea. What about you crawl on the ground and wag your tail like you did in the private room yesterday? lf we are pleased, we would also reward you."

The jeers and taunts lingered in the room. Yet Grace ignored them and quietly propped herself up from the ground.


“What are you doing here? Dorrit you have to work?” The door was suddenly opened. Gloria hadn't expected that she would see such kind of a scene when she opened the door. Obviously, Grace .James, that silly girl, was bullied. Gloria was so furious that her expression tuned hard. She glared at the girls, “Why are you gathering here? Come back to work”


The girls in the room had been so rampant just now, but upon hearing Glorias words, they rushed out of the room with their heads lowered.


They all knew that Gloria was ruthless. Although they hadrít experienced it by themselves, they had heard about it, and none of them wanted to be punished by Gloria.


“Are you stupid? They were bullying you, but why didn't you fight back?” Gloria was still angry as she ran to Grace and helped her stand up.


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