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I've Been There Before (Grace and Caden) novel Chapter 24


“Caden, those words you said to Grace are very hurtful. Do you know that?” Humbert followed behind Caden while saying what's on his mind.


“Do I need to consider her feelings?”


“Since when are you so willful? What if you regret treating her like that?”


Caden handed a cigarette to Humbert, he smiled in disagreement thought, “Just smoke and don't think wildly.”


Regret? Would he?


Absolutely not.


Humbert stopped talking. He actually felt that Caden would not regret anything. He didn't even see Caden regretting Wallis’ accident at that time.


“Want some drink?”


“I have to take care of some matters at the Royal Club.”


Humbert brazenly followed Caden to the Royal Club at once.


Royal Club, Gloria called Ruby to the office.


“You live in a dorm with Grace and she's sick, you didn't felt anything unusual?” Gloria sat on the sofa and asked the girl in front of her.


Actually, she had no impression of Ruby. Yesterday when Grace didn't come to work, she went to the HR department and checked the details of Grace's employee dorm. She also checked the employee dorm registered for and saw Ruby who's in the same room.


Gloria had seen all kinds of people since she had worked for so long.


Employees from the dorm, when another one didn't come to work because she's sick, Gloria wouldn't believe that Ruby didn't notice it at all. That would actually mean that Ruby neglected Grace on purpose.


Last night it was so dangerous that Gloria still got deep impression of it. When she saw Grace at her dorm, Grace already had a high fever.


If she didn't go there on time, Grace might just die there. Gloria didn't care about Ruby's indifference and disregard, but if someone died because of that... She wouldn't dare to keep such people like Ruby.


Gloria had always been detailed about work, just now she also checked Ruby and Grace's relationship. The fun thing is, Luna, the 606 VIP room's escort told her something she would never imagine.


Ruby was upset, Gloria was someone who Ruby would never reach, had called her to the office today... Ruby thought that she must have done something wrong.


But when she heard Gloria mentioning Grace... Ruby felt at ease.


It turned out to be because she and Grace lived in the same dorm, so Gloria asked her something routine. It scared her to death.


“Gloria, I'm not close to that woman.”


That woman...? Gloria lifted her head up and scanned the girl before her.


Gloria raised her eyebrows and asked with interest, “That woman?”


Ruby felt helpless at Gloria's expression. But after giving it a thought, she didn't think that she had said anything wrong.



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