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I've Been There Before (Grace and Caden) novel Chapter 30



Leon's skill was not that bad either.


He immediately moved his body and dodged that punch.


Both Caden and Leon took a step back after that punch. Their hands were still in front of them, defending themselves and at the same time, trying to predict the moves of their opponent.


Caden’'s expression suddenly turned cold, realization flashed across his eyes. How could he not thought of this, that Leon didn't intend to fight with him. Else, Leon wouldn't have just dodged that punch...Leon wasn't the type to run away from problems, so he would have blocked his punch with his hands if he wanted a fight.


These were two extreme ways to deal with a punch.


Leon was certainly the former.


“Stay away from her.” Caden hugged the girl in his arms, preparing to leave.


When he reached the doorway, someone advised him from behind, “You're a respectable opponent so I'll warn you. I hope you'll understand what your heart wants before it’s too late.” Don’t be like me and regret it in the end.


Leon blinked a few times, hiding the darkness in his eyes.


The man at the door was emotionless. “It’s none of your business.”


Leon wasn't a nosy person either. Originally, he wasn’t going to say anything else, but his heart softened when his eyes fell on the girl, “Caden Shaw, you're in love with her.”

The expression on Caden’s face was unreadable.

There was a slight curve on his mouth. He glanced at the girl in his arms. Was he in love with her?

Leon also sensed Caden’s ignorance. He laughed lightly. When did he become a saint and advise his own rival to not commit mistakes in a relationship?

“Hey, for your own good, let me offer you the last piece of advice. Don’t ever mention ‘locking her up’ in front of her.”

Caden’'s body stopped a while before stepping out of the room. He headed straight to the elevator.

Leon rubbed his gold frames and straightened his suit. He too followed behind Caden and left the room.

The elevator rang when it stopped on the 28th floor.

Once the doors opened, Caden put her on the bed, took out his phone and dialed a number, “Come to the Royal Club. 28th floor, a woman fainted.”

He hung up after telling the person briefly.

On the other side of the call, Humbert White was confused at first, but he gradually came to a realization, “Woman?”

Caden bringing women to that floor again?

He rather phrased it as going to watch a drama rather than going to save a life. He immediately took off his white coat and wore his jacket. He took his car keys and rushed out of the office.

“Doctor, you look like you have something urgent in hand. Where are you going?”

“Going to see women.”

Humbert quickly made his way to the parking lot while calling Ingemar, “There's a drama, wanna go together?”

“I'm busy.” He rejected without hesitation.

“Caden Shaw's drama.”

“Where is it?” He immediately changed his mind when he heard the name.

Humbert smirked, “Royal Club, 28th floor.”

“What's there to watch? We can’t even go to the 28th floor. I’m not going anymore.”

“A woman fainted on the 28th floor.”

“Wait for me, I'm on my way!”

Both of them were excited. How speechless would their parents be if they witnessed this scene?

They might not be that motivated even if they were asked to collect their year-end bonus.

The 28th floor of the Royal International Entertainment Club.

He stood beside the bed with hands in his pockets while looking at the girl lying on the bed.


He knew well that this girl had a small face, even smaller than his palm.


But...since when did this face become so thin?


Her sunken eyes, pale skin and dry lips...where did the original Grace James go? Where did she go?


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