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I've Been There Before (Grace and Caden) novel Chapter 34

Grace didn't understand why her former roommate would talk like that to her when they met again. Was it really because she is so unbearable, so disgusting?


She gently pulled the corner of her mouth into a sorrowful smile.


She glanced at Ruby silently, that glance may not have any special meaning, it may be a kind of "recognition" Turning around, 

Grace slowly disappeared from Ruby's eyes.


Ruby was as uncomfortable as if someone had choked her neck. Her hands that were hanging on her sides were now 

clenched into fists, and she was staring at her shadow.


She didn't understand, this woman was so pitiful, why did she act so arrogant in front of her just now!


Her - Grace!


Why was she so arrogant!


A cripple!


A poor person begging for money!


An ugly monster who didn't have the looks or the figure and hooked up with men everywhere!


She thought of Franklin's charming and handsome face again, and Ruby felt even more resentful in her heart... This bitch 

must have taken the initiative to seduce Mr. Cordon!


Someone nearby kept watching Ruby and Grace until Grace left. Everyone around was watching Ruby's performance. 


Although, this Ruby was now not very welcome.


However, people's urge to gossip was always very strong, they were able to overcome a moment of disgust, and ask with 

ulterior motives, "What's the matter, Ruby? Why are you arguing with her again?”


“Her” referred to Grace.


Ruby was angry. When she was asked this, she sneered and said, "'I wouldn't get myself involved with a bitch like her:


When the people next to her heard the word “bitch”, their eyes lit up: This was going to be interesting!


"Who's the bitch? Grace?"


Ruby said, "Il just saw her and Mr. Cordon bundled up in the stairwell”


Mr. Cordon?


This name was really sensitive!


"Mr. Cordon, you mean Mr. Franklin Cordon?" Someone exclaimed, “No, that's one of the wealthiest men in town, rich, 

handsome and tasteful, how could he like her? A cleaning lady? "


“'I saw it with my own eyes. They hugged and kissed in the stairwell” A trace of jealousy flashed through Ruby's eyes.


Why her!


That woman was nothing, she was ugly and lame, she had no education, she was willing to do anything for money, such a 

dirty woman, why her... her!


Ruby had long forgotten the good side of Grace.


"Knowing people's surface doesn't mean we know their soul, this is talking about her. 'I used to live in a dormitory with her. At 

that time, she was a cleaner and kept quiet every day. 'I thought she was a peaceful person. 'I didn't expect her to be like this, living in a dormitory with this kind of person, breathing the same air every day, it makes me almost vomit! "


"This Grace really is."


"Shut up!" At this moment, a voice sounded, “Don't you all have work to do? Are you all fed up? Have you forgotten about 

Queena and Luna?”


The person talking was Annie, she was probably the longest working waitress in the Royal Club!


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