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Jacob from the Dark Realm Returns novel Chapter 1


Jacob Reyes was woken up by a scream. He opened his eyes and saw a lady, a pretty lady.

She was disheveled, and her fair and silk-like skin came into Jacob’s eyes.

Jacob was slapped in the face before he could carefully appreciate the beautiful lady beside him.

The lady, who looked angry and shy, shouted to Jacob like a frightened rabbit, “How dare you do this to me! My sister wouldn’t forgive you!”

Her sister wouldn’t forgive me? Jacob thought to himself, as he had no idea about what was going on right now.

He was the Emperor of the Dark Realm and was unbeatable in the whole universe for hundreds of years. Who would ever have the sack to speak to him like this?

A flood of memory rushed into Jacob’s mind right before he could react to the woman. Suddenly, his head was spinning.

Here... was Earth?

Was I resurrected? No, exactly... I wasn’t even dead?

Jacob was at a loss of thoughts and the last moment in his memory was about the scene that he was attacked by ten Lords of Planets and perished together with them fighting for his Chaos Pearl.

And now? He was resurrected to the Earth, to a man with the same name as his, and this man was a son-in-law by adoption to the Harris family.

Even worse, it seemed that his family status was a little bit low.

The lady in front of him was the sister-in-law of the original owner of this body!

“Bastard! I’m going to kill you!”

Hayley Harris was extremely irritated and wanted to strangle Jacob when she was aware that she probably surrendered her virginity to this coward and he seemed to be not shameful at all!

Jacob frowned as he was enraged by the lady. A trace of killing intention flashed across his eyes, but soon he went back to normal.

He took Hayley’s hand and said genuinely, “I did nothing to you. Do you feel uncomfortable? Or I would truly do something now?”

Hayley was frozen to the stance.

When did Jacob become so bold? How came that he even dared to speak to her like this?

To be honest, she really felt nothing uncomfortable.

Hayley relaxed herself and found her hand still being held tightly by Jacob.

And she noticed Jacob’s last sentence. Hayley was so angry that she slapped on Jacob’s face with another hand.

This time Jacob stopped her, and said coldly, “I hope there won’t happen again!”

“And, I have no interest in you!”

Jacob was the Emperor of Dark Realm, the No.1 villain in the universe. He had the most gorgeous women from all planets, so, as for a normal beauty on Earth, there was no doubt that he felt nothing for her.

“You are so...”

Jacob’s words exploded Hayley, this coward used to peep at her and now he said he felt nothing for her? It was even worse than he saw her naked body just now!

“Why? I could give it a thought if are interested in me and want to have sex with me.”


Hayley sat there with her eyes widely open. She couldn’t believe that this coward, who joined her family as a son-in-law by adoption, would flirt with her and spoke to her like this. It seemed he was not the man she knew before.

The hotel door was opened right at that moment.

“You bastard! Let go of Hayley!”

An elegant woman in her middle age rushed in and said, “Jacob, did our family do anything to you? Now that you married Kaley, why did you defile Hayley’s virginity! How can you act like this?”

“You joined our family three years ago when my husband was ill and our family needed some joyful thing to balance the misfortune, but my husband became vegetative on your wedding night! It had been three years. We offered you food and accommodation, and treated you well, how can you do this to us?”

Jacob grinned grimly at the woman who scolded at him.

According to the memory he just received from the original owner of this body, this woman named Fiona Carter, was his mother-in-law.

And she was always mad at him no matter what he did.

Following Fiona was his wife, Kaley. She was young and beautiful, with an indifferent look on her face; by the way, she was one of the most gorgeous women in the Riverside City.

“Hi, mom, Kaley, I bought Jacob a drink last night because I wanted to make peace with him, but he made me drunken and brought me to this hotel! My virginity would have been taken away if I hadn’t woken up early! Kaley, you have to do something for me!”

Hayley escaped from Jacob and cried into Kaley’s arms, and she even forgot to scold Jacob for his rudeness. Her voice was a little miserable, and sounded heart-breaking.

Jacob watched the three women messing around, and glimpsed at his wife.


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