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Jacob from the Dark Realm Returns novel Chapter 2

What a joke!

Jacob had been unbeatable in the universe for hundreds of years. As the well-known Emperor of the Dark Realm, thousands of beautiful women were competing to spend a night with him.

He could have different women for a hundred years if he slept with 10 women every night. What’s more, all of them were the prettiest ones in their planet.

So why would he bother with such an ordinary woman on Earth?

Jacob would never tell her about her health if he wasn’t resurrected to the body of the son-in-law by adoption to their family.

Suddenly Kaley’s phone rang before Jacob could answer.

Kaley’s face turned pale when she picked up the phone.

“What has happened to my dad? OK, I’ll be there as soon as possible.” Kaley answered with a trembled voice and hang up the phone.

And then Kaley ran out with Fiona and Hayley.

Jacob frowned. From the memory in this body, no matter what the attitudes of Fiona and Hayley were, his wife Kaley never embarrassed him except she never slept with him.

Besides, his father-in-law treated him so well, as if he was his own son.

Now that he was resurrected to this body, there must be some special destiny between this Jacob and him. “Let me handle the things you left to me.” Jacob said to this body, sighed and followed Kaley out.


“Get out of our car!”

Fiona was vexed when seeing Jacob followed them to the car.

She believed the words of the witch that a wedding could make her husband better, however right on the day of the wedding, her husband went into a vegetative state, so from her point of view, Jacob was an ominous man.

And she even suspected that the witch was appointed by Jacob, and their aim was to let Jacob marry her daughter.

What’s worse, Jacob was proved to be a lazy and weak man. Fiona was extremely sorry for her daughter as she married such a man.

“Mom...” Kaley stopped Fiona from continuing.

Now that Jacob agreed to divorce, he was now a stranger to their family. She felt that there was no need to be angry with him.

They all kept silence during the way to the hospital.

In the VIP ward in the Riverside Hospital

“What happened to my dad, doctor?” Kaley saw several doctors around her father performing emergency treatments on her dad when they arrived.

“The situation is not optimistic, Ms. Harris. You’d better be prepared.”

Kaley was frozen when she heard what the doctors said.

Jacob looked at the doctors for a while and shook his head, saying, “It won’t work. You are accelerating the passing of his life, not saving him.”

Jacob’s remark, in a straight form, was “you guys were not professional enough to save him”.

“Who are you? Do you know medical treatments? Had you ever learned about first-aid?” One of the doctors glared at Jacob angrily.

The doctor was sure that Jacob was questioning their medical skills! As a professional doctor, how could he put up with it!

“Don’t listen to him. Please save my husband first!” Fiona was almost crying.

And then she turned to Jacob and shouted, “What did my husband do to deserve your curse! You are the one who should die, not him! Get out of my sight and don’t mess around here, otherwise, you will bear all the consequences!”

“Just go out please.” Although Kaley was not using harsh words, she obviously thought Jacob was messing things up.

She even thought that Jacob was acting weird because she mentioned about divorce. Now she though that Jacob was really disgusting, although she never thought in this way before.

“Are you deaf to my sister? Get out!” Hayley added, looking at Jacob with hatred.

At this very moment, the electrocardiogram on the monitor became a flat line.

“How could it be...Just now he is turning better...” The doctor who just yelled at Jacob opened his eyes widely. It was hard for him to believe what was happening now.

After a while

“Sorry, Ms. Harris, we’ve already done what we could.”

“You have my condolences.”

The doctors declared Brian’s death, and the last hope of the mother and daughters was vanished.

“It’s all because of you! He could have survived if you weren’t cursing him!” Fiona pointed at Jacob and yelling like insane.


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