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Jacob from the Dark Realm Returns novel Chapter 22

Meeting Jacob's gaze, Finn trembled.

When Morris heard that Jacob was willing to save him, he immediately became excited.

However, just as he was about to thank Jacob, he heard Jacob's two conditions. The excitement on his face instantly froze.

Jacob asked Morris to serve him as master.

Jacob was just a young man.

If word got out about it, people would laugh at Morris.

However, after thinking about it, Morris suspected his life was more important.

He could agree now. As for how to keep the promise, it was his own business, wasn't it?

Therefore, Morris immediately agreed.

Jacob then continued, "Take it easy. You can think it carefully. I hate betrayers the most. If you are willing to work for me, I will plant a demon seed in your body. If you are loyal, the demon seed will give you strength and make you stronger. But if you betray me, you will suffer!"

Jacob's words shocked Morris.

Jacob's tone was calm.

However, Morris thought his voice carried an aura of contempt for the world.

If Jacob wanted him to live, he would live!

If Jacob wanted him to be strong, then he would be strong!

If Jacob wanted him to be dead, he would die!

And if Jacob wanted him to suffer, then he would!

Wasn't Jacob just a young man in his early twenties?

Morris was in a trance.

However, Morris made a decision. "I agree. As long as you can cure me, in the future, I will respect you and serve you as my master!"

If Jacob was powerful, he was willing to serve him as his master.

"Don't you bother to ask the second condition that what Dr. Lee needs to do?" Jacob asked carelessly.

Before Morris could speak, Finn trembled and asked, "What ... what do I need to do?"

Jacob chuckled. "Relax. I just need your five visceral yang. After that, you will be too weak to have sex for a year."

"However, don't worry. I guarantee that you will be able to recover after a year!"

Hearing this, Finn was shocked.

He understood what five visceral yang meant. It was the heat of the heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys.

However, it was different from the internal heat that the public knew.

Five visceral yang was the essence of the organs in human's body.

"Finn, don't worry. I will take good care of you," Morris said with concern.

His words meant Fin had to agree.

Finn couldn't refuse Morris' request.

He deeply regretted.

'I'm an attending physician. Why do I turn to my uncle so as to humiliate Jacob?'

Finn didn't know that his uncle, Morris, who was a superb doctor being able to cure all illnesses, was sick. But Morris could not cure himself.

Finn wanted to slap himself.

However, it was too late.

He would be an impotent man in the next year.

What was more, he would be lethargic. At the thought of it, Finn was terrified.

Looking at Finn, who was standing there in a daze, Jacob put on a sinister smile.

Was Finn's five visceral yang really needed to save Morris?

Jacob was the Emperor of the Dark Realm in the universe. If he had trouble to cure such a mortal's illness, then he would not be worthy of such a title.

It was a matter of principle for Jacob.

He would not turn against others if the latter didn't offend him.

If someone dared to, he would let that person pay.

He was a devil, not the Buddha!

Jacob turned to look at Fiona, who was struck dumb with amazement. "Fiona, can I treat Brian now?" Jacob asked with sarcasm.


Fiona was still in a state of shock. Then she immediately became enthusiastic.

Jacob shook his head. Fiona was too snobbish. He didn't like her at all.

It was quite easy for Jacob to acupuncture Brian.

His control over energy was perfection.

After a few simple movements, Jacob stimulated Brian's nerves by exerting the power of chaos. Very quickly, Brian was awakened.


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