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Jacob from the Dark Realm Returns novel Chapter 23

Lena, as the eldest daughter of the Bell family, had a villa of her own. Apart from her closest relatives and housekeeper, no one could enter it.

In the evening, there was only a servant on the downstairs. Lena was left alone upstairs.

Therefore, she was relaxed.

After the shower, she might be naked, or she might walk back to the room slowly with a bathrobe or nightgown.

Every night, the bath time was always her most relaxing moment.

Lena would follow her heart and relax completely as she wished.

However, to her surprise, after she entered the bedroom, where no man had ever appeared, a man lay on her bed.

"Watch your dress!" The man reminded. His voice sounded charming.

It wasn't pleasant but very special.

Even though Lena was quite shocked by the sudden appearance of an unfamiliar man in the room, she looked calm.

Despite of the fact that the man saw a small part of her intimate parts, she did not shout loudly or panic. Only a trace of embarrassment and anger flashed across her face.

Lena seemed to tighten the collar of the bathrobe inadvertently, stopping her intimate parts from being exposed.

"Who are you?" Lena asked coldly.


"Miss Bell, with your intelligence, I believe you can guess my identity!"

Lying on the bed, the man took a deep breath. Then he said with satisfaction, "By the way, your bed smells good. It's my favorite smell."

"You are Jacob!"

Lena looked at the man on the bed and frowned.

She said with certainty.

She was right. The young man lying on Lena's bed was Jacob.

The Bells went against him repeatedly in the past few days. On the surface, the Harris family was their target. In fact, their attack was directed against Jacob.



Jacob was the notorious Emperor of the Dark Realm in the universe.

He would never just wait without doing anything. That was not his style!

Instead, he would take different actions based on the situations.


"Miss Bell, let me tell you. If you or any other members of your family dare to offend me again, you can't afford the price."

Jacob sat up from Lena's bed and said slowly.

His tone was calm, but it sounded arrogant and domineering.

"Are you threatening me?" Lena stared at Jacob.

"You can say that!"

Jacob said as he walked towards Lena.

Lena's heart missed a beat. She secretly regretted arranging for all the experts who protected her to go out for missions today.

"If you piss me off again, I won't be lying on the bed alone next time. I'm still very interested in the power of Kidney-Yin in your body. Don't give me any reason to attack you!"

Jacob continued as he walked up to Lena.

Lena's pupils constricted as soon as Jacob finished. Her beautiful face was filled with disbelief.

'How can Jacob know that I have the physique with the purest Kidney-Yin?'

Apart from herself, her parents, and a few other members of the Bells, no one else in Riverside City should know about it.

Lena was even more shocked by Jacob's following words. "If you lost your virginity, your power of Kidney-Yin will be gone. Do you think the eldest son of the Goldsmith family in Beijing will marry you?"

Lena's beautiful eyes widened.

Everyone thought that the eldest son of the Goldsmith family would marry Lena because of Lena's beautiful appearance. After all, she was one of the four beauties of Riverside City. In terms of her figure, appearance, manner of speaking, temperament, or even background, she was a good choice.

No man would avoid being tempted by such a woman.

However, only a few core members of the two families knew that it was because Lena had a physique with the purest Kidney-Yin.

The Bells wanted to rely on the Goldsmith family so as to develop from a wealthy family in Riverside City to an aristocratic one with cultural heritage.

The eldest son of the Goldsmith family was a martial arts genius. In his twenties, he had the chance to be a Virtuoso. This day would come when he married Lena. He would cultivate with Lena and absorb the power of Kidney-Yin while they had sex, which would help him.

However, these things were all top secrets.

How would Jacob know?

"Who on earth are you?" Lena asked.

Her voice was cold.

"Who am I?" Jacob sneered, "I'm a devil!"

"So, don't offend me again."

"Otherwise, I will become your nightmare!"

After that, Jacob disappeared from Lena's sight in a flash.

In the blink of an eye, Jacob disappeared. A trace of shock flashed in Lena's eyes.

Jacob was so powerful and mysterious!

If Jacob harbored malicious intentions towards her tonight, it was unknown whether she would be able to escape.

As Jacob had said, once she lost the power of Kidney-Yin, how would the Goldsmiths react was full of unknowns.

Lena always felt that she was playing chess. Jacob was like a chess piece in her hands. She had been testing him. If Jacob was strong enough, then she would guide him to work for her. But now, it seemed that Jacob was not only out of her control, but he also knew her Achilles' heel.

To her surprise, Jacob had become a major threat to her.

"Please help me change the quilt. No, throw away everything on the bed and replace it with a new one!"

Lena frowned and said to the servant downstairs.


This was the first time Lena had suffered from insomnia.



After leaving Lena's place, Jacob went to Riverside University to cultivate again.

Jacob was not satisfied that he was still in the Gasification Phase.

He was too weak. Even though he was reluctant to stir up trouble, others kept picking on him.

In Riverside City, he hadn't met a worthy opponent.

However, Jacob had a premonition that once he encountered those strong enemies in the capital, in view of his current strength, he might not be their match.


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