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Jacob from the Dark Realm Returns novel Chapter 28


Jacob was just about to explain that he and Kaley had decided to divorce.

However, as soon as Jacob spoke, he was interrupted by Kaley.

Kaley immediately walked forward and said coquettishly, "Dad, you are young. Ten years later, your body will still be in good condition."

"We should concentrate on our career now. It won't be too late to have children in a few years!"

As Kaley explained, her face went redder.

She didn't even dare to look at Jacob.

Jacob was shocked.

What did Kaley mean?

However, since Kaley had said so, Jacob stopped talking about divorce.

Brian shook his head and said, "Young people always make such an excuse. When your mother and I were at your age, you were able to run around for fun...."

"Dad!" Kaley said coquettishly.

"Alright, I won't chatter on it anymore. You guys have your own ideas. Just follow your heart." Brian continued, "Tonight, your uncle will come from South Riverside Province. Kaley, pick a hotel and entertain them well!"

Hearing this, Kaley frowned slightly. In the past three years when her father was ill, her uncle never visited them. Why did he suddenly come here?

In fact, two families were on bad terms.

After saying that, Brian chatted with Jacob.

That afternoon, Jacob and Kaley didn't get divorced.

Kaley booked the restaurant and also invited some friends and relatives in Riverside City. That night, after the Bells arrived at the hotel and greeted their relatives, Bruce came with his family members.

"Brian, congratulations on your recovery."

"Fiona, you look younger."

"Kaley, you're even more beautiful."

"Hayley, I haven't seen you for a year or two. You're getting more and more beautiful. You're about to graduate, aren't you?"

After Bruce arrived, he and Brian's family exchanged the usual pleasantries.

However, from the beginning to the end, Bruce didn't mention Jacob, as if Jacob had been ignored.


"Tripp, hurry up and meet your uncle." Then, Bruce called a handsome young man behind him.

This person was Tripp's new son-in-law.

Bruce came with his wife, daughter, and son-in-law.

Bruce only had one daughter, so Tripp, like Jacob, was also a live-in son-in-law.

When Tripp heard Bruce call him, he immediately walked forward with a gentle smile on his face and greeted everyone politely.

It seemed he didn't discover that besides Kaley and the others, there was another person present until the end.

Tripp said apologetically, "Sorry, I didn't notice you just now. You are Kaley's husband, right? Hello, my name is Tripp. Please assist me in any way you can!"

"I'm Jacob!" Jacob said with a meaningful smile on his face.

As soon as Jacob finished, Bruce's daughter, Marry, snorted, "You are just a useless man. Stop being cocky."

Instantly, Brian's family got angry.

They knew that Bruce deliberately ignored Jacob.

Now, Marry was more direct.

"Marry, don't be rude!" Bruce berated.

Then he looked at Brian and chuckled. "Brian, I spoil her. She is fastidious. She even scolds Trip, who just got promoted to a deputy director...."

Bruce was talking about his daughter.

However, anyone could tell that Bruce was proud of Tripp, who had just been promoted to deputy director.

Immediately, all the other relatives present praised Tripp in unison.

Bruce was quite satisfied.

Brian laughed and said, "Tripp is able to make achievements at such a young age. Bruce, your son-in-law is promising!"

"Brian, we feel flattered. Tripp is too busy with his career to accompany Marry. They even had a little conflict over this. My wife and I are worried for them! Unlike Jacob, he can accompany Kaley every day. Presumably, their relationship must be very harmonious. Brian, you can enjoy the happiness of family union. I'm very envious of you. "

Bruce had a look of envy.

Hearing these words, Brian did not express anything, but Fiona was unhappy.

'You mean that your son-in-law is busy with his career and he makes achievements, while my son-in-law has nothing to do every day, so he spends a lot of time with his wife, right?'


Fiona wanted to refute.

However, Brian shook his head at her, signaling her not to bother arguing with Bruce.

Although Fiona was a snobbish person, she listened to her husband.

Therefore, she said nothing.


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