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Jacob from the Dark Realm Returns novel Chapter 29

Everyone focused on Jacob.

Even Tripp, the nephew, sent Brian a valuable ginseng to him when he learned that Brian had recovered and been discharged from hospital.

How about Jacob, his own son-in-law? What had he done?

Being watched by people, Jacob didn't feel shameless.

Instead, he sneered, "I didn't prepare any gifts!"


All the people present knew that he did not prepare gifts.

However, the point was that he was so arrogant and didn’t feel shameless about it!

"Jacob, don’t you feel shameless? How do you have the face to say so confidently?" One of Kaley's uncles scolded.

Jacob sneered at it all the more.

He looked at that uncle just like looking at an idiot.

Then Jacob said faintly, "I didn't prepare gifts, but it's better than someone who send some things that are excavated from the tomb."

"Don't you feel that these bracelets, jade articles and other objects he gave you are cold and weird?"

"If you want to die, just wear it!"


Jacob's words immediately caused a sensation.

One of the aunts was wearing a jade bracelet with crystal clear color on her wrist, and she loved it so much.

But here was indeed a cool feeling from the jade bracelet. She thought it was because bracelet was cold itself, but it didn’t, which scared her to take it off her wrist.

"Jacob, what are you talking about?" Tripp said coldly.

"What am I talking about? don't you know it yourself?" Jacob sneered.

Since Tripp took out these gifts, Jacob had felt cold and sinister from them.

Moreover, Jacob can also see that there was a trace of black air around these things.

If it wasn't for the company of corpses all the year round, it wouldn't be infected with this evil spirit.

When he saw Jacob’s confirm look, Tripp's face changed.

These things were bought from a trafficker at a price several times lower than the market price. It was said that they really came from grave robbers.

However, how could he recognize it at this moment.

"You can also see the evil spirit from it? Do you think you are a monk? Don’t play tricks here."

"Jacob, if you want to maliciously discredit me because you didn’t prepare gifts for your father-in-law, it will only make me look down on you."

Tripp hurriedly said, wanting to change the topic.


All relatives pondered about it, wondering how can Jacob see that there was evil spirit in these things, and why can't they see it?

Why made things so mysterious!

Jacob must have deliberately discredited Tripp because he didn't prepare a gift.

Jacob was really mean.

They just heard that Jacob was a useless live-in son-in-law, but they didn't expect that there were problems with his personality.

Suddenly, all the friends and relatives all looked down on Jacob.

It was so disgusting!

"Jacob, this is your fault. It's no big deal that you didn’t prepare gifts, but it's not just your own face that you lost when you framed Tripp." Kaley’s uncle snorted coldly.

"Brian, take care of your son-in-law, don't lose face in other places!"

"Yes, there are a huge difference between Brian’s son-in-law and Bruce’s son-in-law!"

"If you don’t have the ability, don't flaunt your superiority; otherwise, it will only be a joke!"

Bruce was on the side, and when he heard these words, he was almost in high spirits.

It was so great!

Fiona, Kaley and Hayley were flushed with anger.

They regretted to invite these relatives to come here.

But they also thought that if Jacob said so, there must be something wrong with the jade bracelets.

Now, they trusted Jacob completely!

At this moment, Fiona couldn't help it anymore.

"Jacob's best gift to Brian is to save his life. What better gift than that?"

When Fiona said this, all the relatives were stunned, including Bruce, who was happy secretly cool, was also stunned!

What did he hear?

He seemed to have heard the funniest joke in the world.

"Sister-in-law, even if to save face for Jacob, you don't have to tell such a lie? Is he a doctor? Does he know what medical skill is? Does he know how to save people? "

Bruce wore a disdainful smile on his face.

Fiona stared at him and continued, "Even Dr. Swift asks Jacob to treat him. What do you think?"

When speaking of this, Fiona was full of pride.


Dr. Swift, the top-notch doctor, asked Jacob to cure the disease?

This was really shocking

Even Bruce, who was in Riverside South, also heard of the famous doctor.

This was a legend in the medical field, a living Hua Tuo!


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