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Jacob from the Dark Realm Returns novel Chapter 30


When the words came out, all the people were silent, and they can even hear the needle dropping on the ground!

They looked at Jacob with an extremely horrified look.

Just now Morris Swift showed up to give Brian a gift and congratulated to Brian for his recovery and discharge from the hospital, other people may think Brian and Morris Swift might be friends.

But what's going on now?

Morris Swift didn't call Jacob by his name, nor did he call Jacob’s nickname just like friends, or addressed Jacob politely as Mr. Jacob.

He addressed Jacob as master, and bowed to him!

Kaley's uncle was so stunned that his mouth was big as an oval egg. He swallowed saliva felt his scalp numb.

Just now, he mocked and despised Jacob.

If Jacob was really Morris Swift's master, then Morris Swift’s words would make him unable to stay in the Riverside City.

Jacob gave Morris Swift a strange look.

Morris Swift was really a man of old age.

He should know that they would have a banquet here tonight, and he personally brought gifts to congratulate on Brian.

"How’s it? Are the medicinal materials ready?" Jacob asked.

When people still had a little fantasy that maybe they made a mistake or maybe Morris Swift was joking, Jacob's words tore up their fantasy instantly.

This attitude had fully explained the situation.

Jacob was really Dr. Morris Swift’s master.

When Morris Swift heard that, he breathed fast, "Yes! All are ready!"

Jacob told him to prepare a batch of medicinal materials before.

All of them were extremely precious, and the minimum requirements were more than 20 years.

He said he wanted to cultivate Reinforcing Panaceas.

The Reinforcing Panacea is helpful to strengthen the foundation and cultivate the human’s essence!

For cultivators, it can help lay a solid foundation for cultivation, which enhanced the cultivation to a certain extent.

Jacob was dissatisfied with the current practice progress. He had to find a way to speed up his own practice progress and restore his strength as soon as possible.

Morris Swift was stunned by the effect of Reinforcing Panacea.

This was simply an elixir that existed in the legend of medical classics.

He didn't expect Jacob to cultivate this kind of Reinforcing Panacea, and its effect was even stronger than the elixir mentioned in the medical classics.

Dr. Swift immediately agreed to prepare the medicine happily.

In addition, since Jacob cured the incurable disease that had plagued him for several years, Morris Swift had admired him all at once. He felt that it was probably not his shame but also his honor to regard Jacob as his master in the future!

Jacob's medical skills had probably reached the level of Medical Immortal recorded in medical classics!

If Jacob was willing to give him the directions, he might become a legend in his lifetime.

That he would be a real top-notch doctor!

In that way, he will have a chance to justify his name.

Over the years, he had traveled all over world to search for famous doctors, to visit those top-notch doctors that lived in the hidden world, but he did not see them, and even received a reply saying that he was not qualified to be a top-notch doctor.

As for Morris Swift's performance, all the people present, except Bruce and Brian and his family who already knew the inside story, were shocked. Bruce wasn’t shocked because he was scared.

He didn’t have the mind to pay attention to Morris Swift's visit to Jacob.

He was preoccupied with what Dr. Swift had just said.

"You are really sick!"

"All three of you are sick!"

And what Jacob said, "If you don't treat it, you will die in three years!"

Bruce didn't care about anything else.

He didn't care whether he had hogged the limelight in front of Brian, whether his son-in-law was tens of millions of times better than Brian’s son-in-law or whether the friends and relatives had praised him instead of Brian. He didn’t care about these!

If he lost his life, everything else will be meaningless!

Morris Swift had confirmed that he was sick. He can't doubt it.

Morris Swift had cured all kinds of diseases all his life and never failed.


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