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Jacob from the Dark Realm Returns novel Chapter 32


As soon as Tripp said this, there was a loud slap sound.

It left a deep slap mark on his face.

“Marry, what’re you doing?”

Tripp looked at Marry incredulously.

“You beast, I am indeed blind!”

Flying into a rage, Bruce also threw a slap on the other side of Tripp’s face.

Today, he brought Tripp here was meant for showboating.

Tripp was the perfect son-in-law chosen by him who could show how good he was when compared to elder brother’s son-in-law who was useless like a waste.

But now, he was ignominiously defeated.

His face was utterly dashed to the ground!

He even had to beg others for a cure to save his life.

And the culprit for all of this was his son-in-law, a son-in-law who wanted to put his family members to death in order to get the family fortune.

It was really so ridiculous!

“Dad, what’s wrong? It’s Jacob who slanders me…”

Tripp was bewildered by both of them.

“Aren’t I a tigress, aren’t I having an unattractive looking and a bad temper? How dare you harm my parents, I am bound to kill you today!” Marry really blew her top and she was boiling with rage.

Immediately, two more slaps were thrown at Tripp’s face.

Tripp was stupefied and stunned.

How did Marry and the others know his secrets?

He then remembered that just now, he seemed to have suddenly lost consciousness and said something?

Could it be?

Tripp was dumbstruck on the spot.

He could vaguely remember it.

He was finished!

He looked up at Jacob. What he saw was a pair of eyes filled with ridicule.

“Tell me, what evil technique did you just use, how dare you ruin my plan, go to hell!”

Tripp went crazy and slammed into Jacob.

He knew that everything was exposed. His plan was finished, his future was finished, he was totally finished.

Bruce would not let him off.

“You have overrated your ability.”

Jacob sneered.

When Tripp reached in front of Jacob, Jacob lightly lifted his leg.

Next, Tripp’s entire body flew out upside down.

His chest was directly dented.


An incomparably blood-curdling scream echoed through the entire room.

The banquet tonight had completely become a farce.

Bruce, who initially brought his son-in-law for showboating, had become a joke.

After the banquet hastily ended, Brian and Fiona were sent home.

Jacob and Kaley left after staying at home for a while.

After Jacob and Kaley got married, they bought another house for themselves.

In the car, both Kaley and Jacob were speechless and did not know what to say.

Kaley was afraid that Jacob would bring up the matter of divorce once again.

“Be careful!”

Just as the atmosphere between the two of them was becoming more and more awkward, Jacob suddenly spoke out.

At this moment, at a junction that they were about to pass by, a high-speed truck suddenly rushed out.

If Kaley’s BMW was hit by this high-speed truck, it would instantly be wrecked and the people’s bodies inside the BMW would be smashed to pieces.

Kaley who was scared by this sudden situation became unresponsive.

Jacob quickly reached out his hands and wildly turned the steering wheel.

Their car immediately turned to the left. Due to the high speed, the rear of their car had a ninety-degree shift.

Nevertheless, the rear of their car was still hit by the big truck.

The boot of their car was dented and the entire car skidded and circled a few times again. This made a very ear-piercing friction sound before their car hit the roadside and came to a halt.

At this time, two strong men came down from the truck.

One of them had many scars on his exposed arm.

The other one had deep scars on his face which made him looked extremely hideous.

Just by looking at their appearances, one could know that they were definitely dangerous people with a hundred battles under their belts.

After getting out of the truck, not uttering a word, the two of them straight away took out their pistols, pointed at the front seats of the BMW and continuously pulled the trigger.

The pistols with silencers constantly made “pew” sounds.


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