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Jacob from the Dark Realm Returns novel Chapter 33

“Want me to betray my hirer? You wish!”

Jacob let out a disdainful smile upon hearing that. “Since now I’ve gotten the answer, you can die now.” He gave a slap on the man’s body after finishing his words and sounds came from inside his body instantaneously. His viscera and organs had burst almost at once! Just like Scarface, he could not understand what trick had Jacob used even until he died.

“You’ve watched quite enough. It’s time to show yourself!” Jacob’s glance was diverted to a place at the side after killing the person. “You’re stronger than what I’ve imagined. Not bad!” An old man stepped out of the darkness where his eyes touched. “You’ve had the strength of a master in martial arts at such a young age. You’re a good seed. If you continue to grow well, you could have a place for the virtuoso in the future! Unfortunately, I have to end a genius’s life today!” The old man chuckled. Although he said he was feeling sorry, excitement was seen on his face.

Jacob looked at him and knew this person was strong. He was way more powerful than Grizzly Bear, Abbott, Leopard and the others. Yet he was just in the same league as Edwin Adolph, the Lecherous Demon. What he replied to him was only one word. Die! His voice was calm yet powerful like a demon emperor as if you can only choose to die if he wants you to! And there must be no refusal!

The old man chuckled. “You’re mad enough…” A light of bloodlust flashed across his eyes. “Then I bet the taste of your blood must be good.”

“Jacob, you have to be careful.” Kaley shuddered and looked towards Jacob when she heard the old man’s words. “He, he’s Alexander Byron who had committed the crime of homicide and blood-sucking few years ago, and he’s now listed as one of the top wanted criminals across nations. It’s said that the blood of those who tried to capture him has all been sucked out. Therefore he’s an extremely dangerous person!

“News went viral on the internet afterwards that he has once again travelled to the countries amidst wars in the Middle East and has vanquished several mercenaries all by himself. He sucked their blood dry and built an infamous mercenary group named Bloodlust himself!” The news had given her deep impression when she accidentally read about it.

“I never expect that after all these years, someone could still recognize me.” The old man chuckled. “Girl, I was only intending to kill one person for the reward which is only based on killing one person only. Now that you have recognized me, I guess you can only die today. You look pure and pretty, and must be a virgin, therefore your taste must be great too.” Alexander licked his lip. His look had frightened Kaley and made her shudder.

“I don’t care who you are, and what did you do in the past. They’re none of my business. Yet since you’ve left the Middle East and returned to Riverside City, working for the Hansen family and wanting to kill me, it’s going to be the most wrong decision you’ve ever made in your life!” Jacob said. “And this mistake is lethal.”

“Boy, you’re too reckless. And that’s only going to make you die earlier.” A look of bloodlust flashed across his face and he immediately dashed towards Jacob. A claw was waved down quick as lightning. Jacob gave a grim smile and with only a slight movement dodged Alexander’s furious scratch. Alexander was surprised. He clearly did not expect him to dodge his attack that easily. He then once again leaned forward and the waving of his claws was illusionary. Yet he still did not manage to hurt Jacob a bit, and could not even touch his sleeve.

How, how is that possible? He had clearly determined that his level of strength was only until the strength of a masterstroke at most just now. And from his young age, he seemed like he had either just entered the state of a masterstroke or he had been in the state for a few years at most. As for him, he had been in the masterstroke state for many years and though he had not been promoted to the virtuoso phase all the time, by sucking fresh blood from countless people and continuing to refine, it could be said that he had reached the extreme of the masterstroke phase. It was never too much to call him a virtuoso-to-be. To him, he needed only five or even less moves to defeat Jacob. Yet now that he had used over fifty moves, it was baffling that he still could not even touch bit of his clothes.

“You’re too slow.” A level voice went into his ears, and it was from Jacob who was dodging his attack like a breeze. “How arrogant.” Alexander roared and his internal power exploded madly. His speed surged and he finally caught his shoulder this time. Smile appeared on his face. That was the result he predicted. His claws were trained until they could penetrate steel board and crush iron ores, almost invincible. Fetching bullets was not even a problem at some cases.


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