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Jacob from the Dark Realm Returns novel Chapter 34

“How is that possible?” A sniper with the nickname “scorpion” was lying in ambush at the rooftop of a tall building and he was bestowed the title of a sharpshooter in the Bloodlust Mercenary Group. He was not too surprised that someone could dodge the bullet of a sniper rifle. After all, their boss, Alexander was not a human and as long as he was ready, he could dodge the bullet too.

But, it was only when he was alone. It was unheard that someone could actually dodge the bullet when his movement was restricted due to carrying a woman. He was indeed a formidable guy who had defeated Alexander.

“You can dodge the bullet once and twice while carrying a woman, but I doubt you could dodge it ten or hundred times.” An excited smile broke on Scorpion’s lips. He could only truly get that sense of accomplishment when he managed to take down a person like him. Furthermore, if he was able to take Jacob down, he would be the king of the Bloodlust Mercenaries.

Alexander who was destroyed by Jacob had collapsed on the ground like a puddle of mud and he was already a dead man to him. He had had enough of Alexander who was a blood-sucking lunatic. After he had taken down Jacob, he would kill Alexander and brought his head back to the mercenaries’. The members would be elated to see him die, and after that, he would become the new king of the mercenaries as the one who defeated Alexander! Scorpion felt a thrill when he thought about that and he secretly thanked Jacob.

“To express my gratitude, I’ll let you die faster, and let your woman accompany you to the afterlife!” He targeted at Jacob and pulled the trigger once again. He made effort to adjust his state to the best and gave a few shots at any place that Jacob could dodge so no matter how fast he was or to which place he dodged, there would always be one bullet waiting for him. Scorpion let out a smile as if he could already see the bullet lodging in his body.

Yet to his surprise, he noticed through his riflescope that Jacob not only did not dodge, he was looking at his direction with a level expression and his lips moved, speaking one word. Die. It was obvious that nothing was going to change when he said that, but Scorpion seemed to have sensed the waking up of a demon. The monstrous evil spirit was roaming the world and the darkness was going to fall! This inexplicable feeling made him shudder, and to his horror, he realized Jacob had disappeared! He seemed to have disappeared at the blink of an eye and all the bullets he shot did not get him.

“What’s going on? Where is him?” Scorpion quickly searched for him through his riflescope. It was the first time he saw someone vanished into thin air. Yet no matter how he searched, he could not find Jacob at all. No, it’s not right. Cold sweats broke out on his forehead and experience told him he should leave where he stayed immediately. He wanted to stand up at once. It was okay to not accomplish the mission and he had to retreat the moment he sensed danger and abnormalities. It was one of the important reasons he was able to survive until now.

Yet just as he was standing up, a voice with murderous intention came from behind. “Are you looking for me?” Scorpion’s movement froze. He gave up the heavy sniper gun and rolled, jerking out the pistol from his waist and relying on his primitive instinct, shot several times behind without even looking. Every action he did was as smooth and natural as river flow.

Yet when the sound of gunshots disappeared, a shadow slowly loomed before him. “Do you have any other trick to use?” Scorpion stared at the comer in complete disbelief. How did he find his position? And how did he reach here so quickly? He could not help but swallow some saliva and his eyes were filled with horror.

He was a sharpshooter. He was good as a sniper and his agility was not bad. Even if he had quitted being a sniper, he would still be a brilliant mercenary. Yet he could not have a single urge to fight when he encountered Jacob. Their boss, Alexander had enjoyed torturing and killing them for fun. Or else, they would not possibly endure his behaviour and serve him cautiously without uttering a hateful word. Yet the man before him was the one that could even defeat Alexander!

“If you have no more tricks to use, then die!” Jacob walked towards him slowly and made the final judgement. Scorpion knew he could not defeat him, yet he could not wait to be killed too. He instantly leaped and flipped, not to fight him, but to turn and run away. He almost put all his strength and squeezed out every potential he had on escaping. He achieved the maximum speed during his lifetime of running to escape.

Yet a cruel voice rang beside his ear as if someone was speaking beside his ear. “The Hansen family you’re serving, your young master Glen Hansen, just because he has kidnapped my woman and wanted to lay hands on her, therefore even though he has not done anything, he’s dead. And you, have committed an unforgivable crime, therefore you’re going to have to suffer thousand and million times more and die in agony. I’ve sentenced you to death and you could not run away from it.”


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