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Jacob from the Dark Realm Returns novel Chapter 4

Jacob smiled and nodded, "Of course."

"And, I can treat you right now."

In fact, the situation of Aaron was much simpler than that of Jacob’s father-in-law.

Brian Harris was already on the edge of death, the vigor was constantly draining from his body, so Jacob, who had not much mana within his body, felt a little bit hard to save him.

As for Aaron, Jacob could clearly see that some dark mana was wrapping around his abdomen.

There was something odd about that dark mana, no wonder the doctors couldn't find out what was wrong with Aaron's body.

The reason why he had been sick for three months was due to that dark mana. As long as Jacob could defeat that dark mana with nourishing mana, or pull out that dark mana through the silver needle, Aaron would be able to recover by himself.

"Can we start now?"

Although Aaron had held a high position in Riverside City, his voice was a little trembling now.

He desperately wanted to regain his dignity as a man.

"Take off your clothes." Jacob said.

Then he took out a silver needle from his pocket, which he had put in earlier.

"Don't you have to take his pants off?" Winona asked shyly on the side of the bed.


Jacob replied in a bad manner.

He wasn't interested in the size of the stuff in Aaron’s pants. It was better left for Winona to appreciate.

After Aaron lay down, Jacob walked over and inserted the silver needle into his abdomen at the top position of that dark mana.

Then through the silver needle, Jacob slowly injected the last bit of mana into Aaron’s body.

Just at the moment his nourishing mana touched the dark mana, Jacob suddenly felt a burning sensation in his palm. At the same time, that dark mana inside Aaron's body began to twist wildly.

It wasn’t under Jacob's control at all, and along the silver needles, the dark mana moved towards his palm.

What's going on?

Jacob was shocked. But right in such a short time, all the dark mana in Aaron's body rushed into Jacob's palm.

Jacob took his hand back and looked at the palm of his right hand. He could only see a circular mark faintly glimmering in the center of his palm.

And the last drop of dark mana was disappeared in this mark.

What was that?

Jacob's pupils suddenly contracted.

As the man who was the Emperor of the Dark Realm and had never been shocked by other treasure, Jacob was no longer able to conceal his excitement at this moment.

Why did he die and be resurrected to a son-in-law by adoption on Earth? It was because he owned the Chaos Pearl and was attacked by the Ten Star Lords.

He had thought that the Chaos Pearl might have been stolen by others. However, what Jacob did not expect was, the Chaos Pearl, was reborn with him and appeared in the palm of his right hand surprisingly.

Or in other words, his resurrection was because of the Chaos Pearl.

It was said that the Chaos Pearl, along with the Divine Axe Separating Heaven and Earth, the Green Lotus of Creation, and the Jade Book of Destiny, were regarded as the four greatest treasures of Chaos in the world, as each of them possessed mysterious and inexplicable powers.

Jacob was so excited that even his breath was accelerating.

It would have been difficult for him to regain his position as the top god of universe because of Earth's thin mana in the air. But now, with this Chaos Pearl, Jacob was sure that it was only a matter of time before he could return to the top of the planets. It was even possible for him to surpass his former self and achieve more in this life.

"Humph, the ten Lords of Planet! Look, I’ll be back with my strong army in millions and crush your ten planets."

Jacob grunted coldly.

Immediately afterwards, he felt a tremble inside his body, a feeling of comfort came to the depths of the soul.

What was that?

The power of chaos?

After absorbing the dark mana, the Chaos Pearl gradually began to send a power of chaos to Jacob’s body, which gave Jacob a feeling like it was restructuring his bones and muscles.

Chaos mana was a higher level of power than normal mana and the closest to the source power of the universe.

"Mr. Reyes, are you okay?"

Jacob's facial expression kept changing, which made Aaron and Winona so scared.


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